Sunday, December 30, 2012

Obama targets GOP inaction on cliff


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Prostate cancer: The top treatment advances in 2012

Advances in prostate cancer treatment probably won?t make most Americans? list of top 2012 events, but for some men, and their families, such developments stand out among the year?s medical news.

Slide of prostate cancer

Two FDA approvals topped the list of advances in treatment of prostate cancer (shown here via slide) during 2012, one City of Hope expert says.

Cy Stein, M.D., Ph.D., deputy director for clinical research, holds up two 2012 events as being particularly significant in the treatment of prostate cancer. One was? the FDA approval of the drug enzalutamide (Xtandi) for the treatment of men previously treated with the chemotherapy drug taxotere (Docetaxel) .

?This is an excellent drug that works, in summary, by blocking the interaction of testosterone, the male sex hormone, with the androgen receptor, which drives the growth and metastasis of prostate cancer cell,? says Stein, the Arthur and Rosalie Kaplan chair and professor of the Department of Medical Oncology and Therapeutics Research. ?Enzalutamide has been shown to prolong median life expectancy by approximately 5 months, and is very well-tolerated by most patients.??

Looking for cheap destinations? Locals know best.

A local person is often the best travel guide of all, as they?ll know of local deals and discounts, Hamm writes.

By Trent Hamm,?Guest blogger / December 29, 2012

A German tourist reads a tourist guide as she floats in the Dead Sea, in this June 2005 file photo. Locals that care about you, like friends and family, will do a great job of making sure you get the best of the area at a good price, Hamm writes.

Emilio Morenatti/AP/File


In 2009, my family travelled to the Dallas, Texas area. In that area, I have two great aunts and a number of first and second cousins. We spent a lot of time with them, enjoying meals and reconnecting.

Skip to next paragraph Trent Hamm

The Simple Dollar is a blog for those of us who need both cents and sense: people fighting debt and bad spending habits while building a financially secure future and still affording a latte or two. Our busy lives are crazy enough without having to compare five hundred mutual funds ? we just want simple ways to manage our finances and save a little money.

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In 2011, my family travelled to the Seattle, Washington area, much like we did in 2004. We visited my wife?s sister, spent a lot of time with her on the event of her wedding, and visited my wife?s other sister who lives out there, too.

Fairly regularly, we visit the Chicagoland area, where one of my cousins lives. I adore this cousin and her two children, and we stay with her every time we go there. We also have the chance to see several old friends who now live in that area.

Almost every time we travel, we do it in conjunction with family. We often make it a point to visit places where there are friends and family to see, either along the way or at the destination.?

Friday, December 28, 2012

Indian gang-rape victim dies in Singapore hospital

SINGAPORE (AP) ? An Indian woman who was gang-raped and beaten on a bus in New Delhi died Saturday at a Singapore hospital, after her ordeal galvanized Indians to demand greater protection for women from sexual violence that impacts thousands of them every day.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said he was aware of the emotions the attack has stirred and that it was up to all Indians to ensure that the young woman's death will not have been in vain.

The victim "passed away peacefully" with her family and officials of the Indian Embassy by her side, Dr. Kevin Loh, the chief executive of Mount Elizabeth hospital, said in a statement.

After 10 days at a hospital in New Delhi, the Indian capital, the woman was brought Thursday to Mount Elizabeth hospital, which specializes in multi-organ transplants. Loh said the woman had been in extremely critical condition since Thursday, and by late Friday her condition had taken a turn for the worse, with her vital signs deteriorating.

"Despite all efforts by a team of eight specialists in Mount Elizabeth Hospital to keep her stable, her condition continued to deteriorate over these two days," Loh said. "She had suffered from severe organ failure following serious injuries to her body and brain. She was courageous in fighting for her life for so long against the odds but the trauma to her body was too severe for her to overcome."

The woman and a male friend, who have not been identified, were traveling on a bus in New Delhi after watching a film on the evening of Dec. 16 when they were attacked by six men who raped her. The men also beat the couple and inserted an iron rod into the woman's body, resulting in severe organ damage. Both were then stripped and thrown off the bus, according to police.

Indian police have arrested six people in connection with the attack, which left the victim with severe internal injuries, a lung infection and brain damage. She also suffered from a heart attack while in the hospital in India.

Indian High Commissioner, or ambassador, T.C.A. Raghavan told reporters that the scale of the injuries the woman suffered was "very grave" and in the end "proved too much."

He said arrangements were being made to take her body back to India.

The frightening nature of the crime shocked Indians, who have come out in the thousands for almost daily demonstrations. Indian television channels said security had been tightened in New Delhi on Saturday in anticipation of more protests following the woman's death.

The protesters are demanding stronger protection for women and the death penalty for rape, which is now punishable by a maximum of life imprisonment. Women face daily harassment across India, ranging from catcalls on the streets, groping and touching in public transport to rape.

Singh said he understands the angry reaction to the attack and hopes all Indians will work together to make appropriate changes.

"These are perfectly understandable reactions from a young India and an India that genuinely desires change," the prime minister said in a statement Saturday. "It would be a true homage to her memory if we are able to channel these emotions and energies into a constructive course of action."

He said the government was examining the penalties for crimes such as rape "to enhance the safety and security of women."

"I hope that the entire political class and civil society will set aside narrow sectional interests and agendas to help us all reach the end that we all desire ? making India a demonstrably better and safer place for women to live in," Singh said.

Mamta Sharma, head of the state-run National Commission for Women, said the "time has come for strict laws" to stop violence against women. "The society has to change its mindset to end crimes against women," she said.

The tragedy has forced India to confront the reality that sexually assaulted women are often blamed for the crime, which forces them to keep quiet and not report it to authorities for fear of exposing their families to ridicule. Also, police often refuse to accept complaints from those who are courageous enough to report the rapes, and the rare prosecutions that reach courts drag on for years.

Indian attitudes toward rape are so entrenched that even politicians and opinion makers have often suggested that women should not go out at night or wear clothes that might be seen provocative.

On Friday, Abhijit Mukherjee, a national lawmaker and the son of India's president, apologized for calling the protesters "highly dented and painted" women who go from discos to demonstrations.

"I tender my unconditional apology to all the people whose sentiments got hurt," he told NDTV news.

Several Indian celebrities reacted with sadness Saturday over the woman's death. Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan tweeted, "Her body has passed away, but her soul shall forever stir our hearts."

Separately, authorities in Punjab state took action Thursday when an 18-year-old woman killed herself by drinking poison a month after she told police she was gang-raped.

State authorities suspended one police officer and fired two others on accusations they delayed investigating and taking action in the case. The three accused in the rape were only arrested Thursday night, a month after the crime was reported.

"This is a very sensitive crime, I have taken it very seriously," said Paramjit Singh Gill, a top police officer in the city of Patiala.

The Press Trust of India reported that the woman was raped Nov. 13 and reported the attack to police Nov. 27. But police harassed the girl, asked her embarrassing questions and took no action against the accused, PTI reported, citing police sources.

Authorities in the eastern state of Chhattisgarh also suspended a police officer on accusations he refused to register a rape complaint from a woman who said she had been attacked by a driver.


Associated Press writers Faris Mokhtar and Ravi Nessman in New Delhi contributed to this report.


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Half of Americans leave landline behind

22 min.

A new study indicates that fully half of Americans are living in a household that uses only or mostly mobile phones ? but the remainder is slow to convert.

The Centers for Disease Control's?National Health Interview Study conducts in-person interviews throughout the year, asking about everything from health and insurance status to household telephones. They've put together some of the data from the first half of 2012 and the results, while not shocking, are significant.

Of the more than 20,000 households interviewed, just over half used wireless (i.e. cellular) phones for all or nearly all phone?calls ? 35.9 percent were wireless-only, and 15.9 percent had a landline but rarely used it. That adds up to 51.8 percent of all households, which is less than 2?percent more than for?the same period last year.

Why such a small increase? While younger people are adopting wireless phones as their only phone in record numbers, older folks are hanging onto their landlines. The percentage of people going wireless only steadily decreases as age increases: Only a quarter of those aged 45-64 were totally wireless, and just a tenth of those above age 64. That said, every age segment saw their wireless-only population increase by between 1 and 5 percent.

The highest percentage of wireless-only users appears to be among adults living with unrelated adult roommates ? 75.9 percent, almost three times the proportion of people living only with spouses or other adult family (but down slightly from last year's numbers).

So young people in population-dense areas, especially renters and people with low income, are happy to leave behind the expense and inconvenience of a landline. But for people who have had a landline for years, relatively few choose to abandon it.

The rest of the study, including methods and many more statistics, can be found at the CDC's website.

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBCNews Digital. His personal website is?


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

VIDEO 1: '' Interviews Rex Willet | RV Business


December 26, 2012 by RV Business? Leave a Comment correspondent Chris Dougherty interviews Rex Willett, president of truck camper manufacturer Northstar Campers. The company was founded by Willett?s grandfather and is the oldest truck camper manufacturer in the USA. It specializes in campers for two people while 80% of its models will go on a half ton pickup.

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Monday, December 17, 2012

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Facebook may launch self-destructing message app

3 hrs.

Sometimes you really need a message to self-destruct after its intended?recipient?has seen it ? just ask Ethan Hunt ... or anyone who's ever been embarrassed by a love note or racy photo. Facebook may be at work on an app that makes your "Mission Impossible" fantasies come true, according to a report.

All Things D's?Mike Isaac writes that?"sources familiar with the matter" claim that the social network is currently testing an app similar to Snapchat???a service that?allows users to send photos, videos or messages which will self-destruct up to 10 seconds after being viewed.

Like Facebook's Messenger and Camera, this new app will supposedly be a standalone download, separate from the main Facebook app. (As Isaac points out, this means that Facebook will wind up with five individual apps, if you're counting Instagram. Not that that's any match for Amazon, with over 10, and Google, with over 20, on the iOS platform alone.)

Based on what Isaac's sources reveal, Facebook's app will function almost exactly like Snapchat. "After a user opens the new app, they?re presented with a list of current message threads between them and their friends," Isaac explains. "Hold your finger down on one of the threads, and a timer comes up to ask how long the message should be viewable. From there, you?re able to send the message ? which, just like on Snapchat, will only be viewable for a fixed period of time."

Snapchat does have a feature that alerts users if a message?recipient?took a screenshot before the message disappeared. No word as to whether Facebook will incorporate something similar. Without these kinds of precautions, users will have a false sense of security, like some people feel with apps such as Snapchat. But whatever the technological advancements, there will generally remain ways to copy or otherwise capture those sensitive correspondences. After all, anyone can take a photo of a screen.

Want more tech news?or interesting?links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts,?or circling her?on?Google+.


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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Time-travelling 3D tour shows birth of Eiffel Tower

Sandrine Ceurstemont, editor, New Scientist TV

Imagine visiting the World's Fair of 1889 in Paris, France, and seeing the Eiffel Tower just after it was built. Now thanks to an ultra-accurate 3D reconstruction, you can travel back in time to see it.

Created by Mehdi Tayoubi from French company Dassault Syst?mes and colleagues, the buildings in the video are represented exactly to scale, down to minute details such as the flags on the main pavilion. This level of accuracy was achieved by consulting a range of archival sources, such as building plans, drawings and maps, as well as consultations with historical advisors. Often several months were required to model a single building. In many cases, the interior of famous monuments can also be visited virtually.

This snapshot of Paris is just an example of the periods captured for the project, which recreates the city from medieval times to the present. The model can be seen on a range of platforms, such as with online or tablet applications, through an augmented-reality book, in a documentary or even as a virtual reality experience. Interactive sequences illustrate, for example, how buildings were constructed. With augmented reality, an area can be viewed at different moments in time by superimposing models.

According to Jean-Marc Leri, director of the Carnavalet Museum, Paris, who worked with the team, visualising the city with such accuracy changed his perception of historical events. The Bastille prison, for example, stormed by a revolutionary militia in 1789, was much smaller than artistic representations suggest - showing that it was probably quite easy to conquer, contrary to anecdotes.

The team claims that even the oldest models are extremely realistic, due to the extensive information available from the French national archives, but even so the virtual world will be updated as new findings are reported. So far, the focus has been on reproducing buildings, but other aspects of daily life will also be considered in future versions. The team plans to build similar experiences for other cities in the future.

If you enjoyed this post, see how a handheld 3D scanner is mapping a mysterious cave or watch how a drone's 2D photos can be converted into 3D models.


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Antidepressant could do double duty as diabetes drug, study shows

Dec. 13, 2012 ? University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston researchers have discovered that the commonly used antidepressant drug paroxetine could also become a therapy for the vascular complications of diabetes.

The scientists made their discovery after screening 6,766 clinically used drugs and pharmacologically active substances.

"We developed this assay and used it to test literally every single existing drug and a good selection of other biologically active compounds," said UTMB professor Csaba Szabo, senior author of a paper on the research published online by Diabetes. "We were quite surprised when paroxetine came out as an active compound -- a result, we later determined, of what seems to be a completely new effect unrelated to its antidepressant actions and not shared by any other known antidepressant drug."

The initial screening process tested the ability of different compounds to protect the cells that make up the inner linings of blood vessels from the destructive effects of the high sugar levels produced by diabetes, known as hyperglycemia. In people with diabetes, hyperglycemia causes these endothelial cells to generate toxic molecules known as reactive oxygen species (ROS), which ravage blood-vessel linings and lead to diabetic endothelial dysfunction, the key factor in such destructive diabetic complications as heart attacks, strokes, retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy.

In subsequent test-tube studies, researchers found that paroxetine -- which is sold as an antidepressant under the trade name "Paxil" -- prevents hyperglycemia-initiated ROS damage to endothelial cells in two ways. First, it directly reduces concentrations of superoxide, a powerful ROS. Second, it suppresses superoxide production by mitochondria, tiny structures whose real job is making the energy-transfer molecules needed for most cellular processes. In a hyperglycemic environment, mitochondria are cells' biggest source of superoxide. According to the researchers' findings, paroxetine inhibits this activity without interfering with the mitochondria's vital normal function.

Further experiments yielded still more evidence that paroxetine protects endothelial cells under hyperglycemic conditions. Reactive oxygen species cause significant damage to DNA, RNA and proteins, but cell-culture experiments showed that paroxetine significantly reduced this effect. The drug had similarly beneficial results when tested on rat "aortic rings" -- small pieces of blood vessel kept alive with tissue-culture techniques. When treated with the vasodilator acetylcholine, these rings dilated just as if they were still part of a functioning circulatory system; endothelial dysfunction caused by diabetic hyperglycemia normally interferes with this function, but paroxetine restored it.

Finally, the researchers tested paroxetine in rats that had been injected with streptozotocin, a chemical that induces diabetes. The animals given paroxetine developed hypoglycemia, but like the aortic rings, their arteries retained the ability to dilate -- an indication that the drug had prevented damage to their epitheliums.

"The future potential of this study is that we may be able to 're-purpose' paroxetine for the experimental therapy of diabetic cardiac complications," Szabo said. "We'll need to carefully characterize its safety profile in diabetic patients, but I think there's definite potential here."

Other authors of the Diabetes paper include instructor Dr. Domokos Ger?, research fellow Petra Szoleczy, postdoctoral fellow Kunihiro Suzuki, postdoctoral fellow Katalin M?dis, faculty associate Dr. Gabor Ol?h and postdoctoral fellow Ciro Colletta. This research was supported by the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, the American Heart Association and the James W. McLaughlin Endowment.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. D. Gero, P. Szoleczky, K. Suzuki, K. Modis, G. Olah, C. Coletta, C. Szabo. Cell-Based Screening Identifies Paroxetine as an Inhibitor of Diabetic Endothelial Dysfunction. Diabetes, 2012; DOI: 10.2337/db12-0789

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Friday, December 14, 2012

New foreclosures lowest in six years in November: RealtyTrac

NEW YORK (Reuters) - New foreclosures on U.S. homes hit their lowest in nearly six years in November, another sign the nation's housing market is recovering, according to a report on Thursday.

U.S. foreclosure starts fell 13 percent from October and were down 28 percent compared with a year ago, the data from RealtyTrac showed. Foreclosure starts were filed for the first time on 77,494 properties in November, the lowest since December 2006.

The drop in new foreclosures coincides with rising prices and improved sentiment in the housing market that many economists believe marks a turning point for the sector after the housing bubble burst six years ago.

The drop in new foreclosures helped push overall foreclosure activity down 3 percent in November compared with October and 19 percent compared with a year earlier, the 26th month with an annual decrease, RealtyTrac said.

"The drop in overall foreclosure activity in November was caused largely by a 71-month low in foreclosure starts for the month, more evidence that we are past the worst," said Daren Blomquist, vice president at RealtyTrac.

Bank repossession rose, however, for the first time in more than two years. The rise was the first since October 2010 when the exposure of the "robo-signing" of foreclosure documents caused a sharp slowdown in foreclosure activity.

Despite the improving overall picture, there remains a large disparity between states and the lower prices commanded by foreclosed homes is still a headwind for the housing market.

"Foreclosures are continuing to hobble the U.S. housing market as lenders finally seize properties that started the process a year or two ago - and much longer in some cases," said Blomquist. "We're likely not completely out of the woods when it comes to foreclosure starts, either."

Florida's foreclosure rate was the highest for the third month in a row. One in every 304 Florida homes had a foreclosure filing in November - more than twice the national average.

Florida properties with a foreclosure filing in November rose 3 percent from the previous month and were up 20 percent from November 2011.

(Reporting by Edward Krudy. Editing by Andre Grenon)


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UFO hacker won't be tried in Britain for U.S. crimes

LONDON (Reuters) - A British hacker whose extradition to face charges of accessing nearly 100 U.S. government computers in a quest for UFOs was halted on grounds he might harm himself will not be tried in Britain, the prosecution office said on Friday.

Gary McKinnon, 46, who suffers from Asperger's Syndrome, has admitted hacking into Pentagon and NASA computers under the pseudonym "Solo", saying he was looking for evidence of flying saucers and other extraterrestrial activity.

He has been fighting extradition since police arrested him in 2005 and Home Secretary Theresa May blocked his extradition in October because of the high risk he could kill himself. She referred the matter to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to rule if he should be tried at home.

The CPS said on Friday the chances of a conviction were "not high", and cited logistical difficulties in pursuing a case in England and Wales such as bringing over witnesses and evidence from the United States.

"The prospects of a conviction against Mr McKinnon which reflects the full extent of his alleged criminality are not high," the CPS said in a statement.

He had faced up to 60 years in a U.S. jail if found guilty of gaining unauthorized access to 97 U.S. government computers over a decade ago, and allegedly causing $700,000 damage to U.S. military systems.

McKinnon's solicitor, Karen Todner, told the BBC she was disappointed "because it means that he still hasn't got closure".

"Every other country that America has an extradition treaty with, that extradition warrant is still out there and still live. That basically means that Gary can't travel outside the UK for the rest of his life," Todner said.

(Reporting By Dasha Afanasieva; Editing by Michael Roddy)


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Engineers Hunt for Ways to Cool Computing

Increasingly, heat looms as the single largest obstacle to computing's continued advancement. Solutions could include liquid coolants or circuits arrayed on 3-D grids like the brain

A laptop computer can double as an effective portable knee-warmer ? pleasant in a cold office. But a bigger desktop machine needs a fan. A data center as large as those used by Google needs a high-volume flow of cooling water. And with cutting-edge supercomputers, the trick is to keep them from melting. A world-class machine at the Leibniz Supercomputing center in Munich, for example, operates at 3 petaflops (3 ? 1015 operations per second), and the heat it produces warms some of the center's buildings. Current trends suggest that the next milestone in computing ? an exaflop machine performing at 1018 flops ? would consume hundreds of megawatts of power (equivalent to the output of a small nuclear plant) and turn virtually all of that energy into heat.

Increasingly, heat looms as the single largest obstacle to computing's continued advancement. The problem is fundamental: the smaller and more densely packed circuits become, the hotter they get. ?The heat flux generated by today's microprocessors is loosely comparable to that on the Sun's surface,? says Suresh Garimella, a specialist in computer-energy management at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. ?But unlike the Sun, the devices must be cooled to temperatures lower than 100 ?C? to function properly, he says.

To achieve that ever more difficult goal, engineers are exploring new ways of cooling ? by pumping liquid coolants directly on to chips, for example, rather than circulating air around them. In a more radical vein, researchers are also seeking to reduce heat flux by exploring ways to package the circuitry. Instead of being confined to two-dimensional (2D) slabs, for example, circuits might be arrayed in 3D grids and networks inspired by the architecture of the brain, which manages to carry out massive computations without any special cooling gear. Perhaps future supercomputers will not even be powered by electrical currents borne along metal wires, but driven electrochemically by ions in the coolant flow.

This is not the most glamorous work in computing ? certainly not compared to much-publicized efforts to make electronic devices ever smaller and faster. But those high-profile innovations will count for little unless engineers crack the problem of heat.

Go with the flow
The problem is as old as computers. The first modern electronic computer ? a 30-tonne machine called ENIAC that was built at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia at the end of the Second World War ? used 18,000 vacuum tubes, which had to be cooled by an array of fans. The transition to solid-state silicon devices in the 1960s offered some respite, but the need for cooling returned as device densities climbed. In the early 1990s, a shift from earlier 'bipolar' transistor technology to complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices offered another respite by greatly reducing the power dissipation per device. But chip-level computing power doubles roughly every 18 months, as famously described by Moore's Law, and this exponential growth has brought the problem to the fore yet again (see 'Rising temperatures'). Some of today's microprocessors pump out heat from more than one billion transistors. If a typical desktop machine let its chips simply radiate their heat into a vacuum, its interior would reach several thousand degrees Celsius.

That is why desktop computers (and some laptops) have fans. Air that has been warmed by the chips carries some heat away by convection, but not enough: the fan circulates enough air to keep temperatures at a workable 75 ?C or so.


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Personal Bankruptcy Tips You Must Not Ignore | Financial Advisor ...

TIP! If, once you file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, it comes to light that you no longer qualify to receive the Homestead Exemption,it may be possible for you to do a Chapter 13 filing on top of your mortgage. If you will be losing your home in the bankruptcy, talk to your lawyer about whether you should file for Chapter 13 instead of Chapter 7.

Bankruptcy is very common in today?s economic climate. The recession has hit many people very hard. Just because it?s more commonplace doesn?t make it simpler, however. So before you decide to file a claim to get out of debt, you first need to ensure that you understand the implications of the entire process. Read further for some helpful advice regarding bankruptcy.

TIP! Bankruptcy is a challenging time and can create a huge amount of mental and emotional stress. In order to keep things together and protect yourself from excess stress, be sure to hire a competent attorney.

Make sure you are aware of all your options before you file for bankruptcy. Perhaps credit counseling can resolve your issues. There are various non-profit companies that may be able to help you. They will liaise with those you owe money to and try to get better payment options opened to you. You can even pay your creditors through them.

TIP! Don?t wait until after filing for bankruptcy to become more responsible with your finances. Do not take on more debt or use more of your current credit.

Don?t wait till it?s too late to file for bankruptcy. It is all too common for people to hope that their financial difficulties will disappear if they don?t give them any attention. It is very common for personal debts to snowball suddenly. When this happens, terrible consequences, such as wage garnishment and foreclosure result. As soon as you see your debts getting out of control, seek the counsel of a good bankruptcy attorney to see what your options are.

TIP! Filing bankruptcy doesn?t mean that you won?t have any more bills to pay at all, so make sure that you?re always keeping up with the payments. Many folks make only the minimum payment because it?s comfortable, but that can leave them in debt for years longer than necessary.

Find out how much you owe to your different creditors. Once you have an idea of who you owe and how much you owe, you can figure out if bankruptcy is really an option for you or not. Always go through your statements and get exact numbers. Remember to take your time here. Rushing through will ensure that some numbers somewhere will be mixed up and then the process will blow up in your face.

TIP! When thinking about filing for bankruptcy, it is best not to waste precious time. It?s hard to admit you need assistance, but the longer you decide to wait, the worse the debt can get.

If you find yourself getting depressed over filing for bankruptcy it is a good idea to talk to others in the same situation. The bankruptcy process can be stressful; it can often leave you feeling out of place in the company of your friends. However, online you can find others who can relate to what you?re going through. They make excellent resources for sharing hardships and coping strategies.

TIP! You should obtain a copy of your credit report from all three reporting agencies soon after you declare bankruptcy. You want to see an accurate record of the closure of your accounts and the discharge of your debts.

Do not abandon hope. Filing for bankruptcy may allow you to get back property, such as an auto, jewelry, or electronics, that you may have had repossessed. Filing for bankruptcy may allow you to regain ownership of recently repossessed property. Speak to a lawyer who will be able to help you file the necessary paperwork.

TIP! Once you have determined that you have no alternative to bankruptcy, educate yourself on all the areas of bankruptcy laws, in your state, as much as possible. In order to protect your financial future, you are advised to talk with your attorney and learn as much as you can about the bankruptcy process.

Familiarize yourself with the bankruptcy code before you file. These laws change regularly and you should stay up-to-date so you can make the best decisions. Your state?s website should have the information that you need.

TIP! Find out what you exemptions are prior to filing bankruptcy. Check the bankruptcy laws in your state to find out if certain items are excluded from your bankruptcy filing.

Filing for bankruptcy is not recommended when you have income more than your debts. It can seem like bankruptcy can be an easy way to avoid paying back your debts, however it leaves a serious mark in your credit report that can last between seven and ten years.

TIP! Be honest no matter what happens during your filing for bankruptcy. Lying about your assets and debts can get you into serious trouble.

Determine the type of bankruptcy that is best for you and your situation. There are a few types of bankruptcy. Thoroughly research each of these types of bankruptcy before you file for it. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the types that are most relevant to your situation, and consult with a financial consultant before you proceed.

TIP! Don?t fear reminding your attorney of any specific details of your case. Don?t just assume that the attorney will remember it automatically.

Be sure you know the bankruptcy laws before you think about filing. Here is one example, an individual who files for bankruptcy cannot transfer any assets for a year before the filing date. It is also illegal for someone who files for bankruptcy to drastically increase their debts on credit cards immediately before filing.

TIP! Always be honest when filling out paperwork. To avoid problems, penalties and future re-filing bans, resist the urge to hide documentation or assets.

As stated in the article from above, bankruptcy is in the news a great deal because the economy is in such a poor state. To make certain you are making wise choices about bankruptcy, make certain to use the information in this article.

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Michigan lawmakers approve right-to-work bills

Drew Dobson, of Coleman, Mich., protests at a rally at the State Capitol in Lansing, Mich., Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012. The crowd is protesting right-to-work legislation passed last week. Michigan could become the 24th state with a right-to-work law next week. Rules required a five-day wait before the House and Senate vote on each other's bills; lawmakers are scheduled to reconvene Tuesday and Gov. Snyder has pledged to sign the bills into law. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)p

Drew Dobson, of Coleman, Mich., protests at a rally at the State Capitol in Lansing, Mich., Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012. The crowd is protesting right-to-work legislation passed last week. Michigan could become the 24th state with a right-to-work law next week. Rules required a five-day wait before the House and Senate vote on each other's bills; lawmakers are scheduled to reconvene Tuesday and Gov. Snyder has pledged to sign the bills into law. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)p

A protester holds an American flag at a rally on the State Capitol grounds in Lansing, Mich., Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012. The crowd is protesting right-to-work legislation passed last week. Michigan could become the 24th state with a right-to-work law next week. Rules required a five-day wait before the House and Senate vote on each other's bills; lawmakers are scheduled to reconvene Tuesday and Gov. Snyder has pledged to sign the bills into law. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

Thousands of protesters gather for a rally on the State Capitol grounds in Lansing, Mich., Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012. The crowd is protesting right-to-work legislation that was passed by the state legislature last week. Michigan will become the 24th right-to-work state, banning requirements that nonunion employees pay unions for negotiating contracts and other services. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)

Thousands of protesters gather for a rally on the State Capitol grounds in Lansing, Mich., Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012. The crowd is protesting right-to-work legislation that was passed by the state legislature last week. Michigan will become the 24th right-to-work state, banning requirements that nonunion employees pay unions for negotiating contracts and other services. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)

Protesters gather for a rally in the State Capitol rotunda in Lansing, Mich., Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012. The crowd is protesting right-to-work legislation passed last week. Michigan could become the 24th state with a right-to-work law next week. Rules required a five-day wait before the House and Senate vote on each other's bills; lawmakers are scheduled to reconvene Tuesday and Gov. Snyder has pledged to sign the bills into law. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

(AP) ? As chants of angry protesters filled the Capitol, Michigan lawmakers gave final approval Tuesday to right-to-work legislation, dealing a devastating and once-unthinkable defeat to organized labor in a state that has been a bastion of the movement for generations.

The Republican-dominated House ignored Democrats' pleas to delay the passage and instead approved two bills with the same ruthless efficiency that the Senate showed last week. One measure dealt with private-sector workers, the other with government employees. Republican Gov. Rick Snyder signed them both within hours, calling them "pro-worker and pro-Michigan."

"This is about freedom, fairness and equality," House Speaker Jase Bolger said during the floor debate. "These are basic American rights ? rights that should unite us."

After the vote, he said, Michigan's future "has never been brighter, because workers are free."

The state where the United Auto Workers was founded and labor has long been a political titan will join 23 others with right-to-work laws, which ban requirements that nonunion employees pay unions for negotiating contracts and other services.

Supporters say the laws give workers more choice and support economic growth, but critics insist the real intent is to weaken organized labor by encouraging workers to "freeload" by withholding money unions need to bargain effectively.

Protesters in the gallery chanted "Shame on you!" as the measures were adopted. Union backers clogged the hallways and grounds shouting "No justice, no peace," and Democrats warned that hard feelings over the legislation and Republicans' refusal to hold committee hearings or allow a statewide referendum would be long lasting.

U.S. Sen. Carl Levin and other Democrats in the state's congressional delegation met with Snyder on Monday and urged him to slow things down.

"For millions of Michigan workers, this is no ordinary debate," Levin said after the House vote. "It's an assault on their right to have their elected bargaining agent negotiate their pay, benefits and working conditions, and to have all who benefit from such negotiations share in some way in the cost of obtaining them."

Although numbering in the thousands, the crowds were considerably smaller than those drawn by right-to-work legislation in Indiana earlier this year and in Wisconsin in 2011, during consideration of a law curtailing collective bargaining rights for most state employees. Those measures provoked weeks of intense debate, with Democrats boycotting sessions to delay action and tens of thousands of activists occupying statehouses.

In Michigan, Republicans acted so quickly that opponents had little time to plan massive resistance.

Snyder and GOP leaders announced their intentions last Thursday. Within hours, the bills were hurriedly pushed through the Senate as powerless Democrats objected. After a legally required five-day waiting period, the House approved final passage.

The governor said he saw no reason not to sign the bills immediately, especially with demonstrators still hoping to dissuade him.

"They can finish up, and they can go home because they know ... making more comments on that is not going to change the outcome," he said. "I view this as simply trying to get this issue behind us."

Snyder said he expects the law to be challenged in court but believes it will stand. He said unions were largely responsible for its divisiveness, having ignored his advice and pushed an unsuccessful November ballot initiative seeking to make right-to-work laws unconstitutional. The bitter campaign over the ballot measure put the issue on center-stage.

"Introducing freedom-to-work in Michigan will contribute to our state's economic comeback while preserving the roles of unions and collective bargaining," Snyder said.

Protesters began assembling before daylight outside the sandstone-and-brick Capitol, chanting and whistling in the chilly darkness and waving placards with slogans such as "Stop the War on Workers." Others joined a three-block march to the building, some wearing coveralls and hard hats.

Valerie Constance, a reading instructor for the Wayne County Community College District and member of the American Federation of Teachers, sat on the Capitol steps with a sign shaped like a tombstone. It read: "Here lies democracy."

"I do think this is a very sad day in Michigan history," Constance said.

The crowds filled the rotunda area, beating drums and chanting. The chorus rose to a deafening thunder as House members voted. Later, protesters surged toward a building across the street housing Snyder's office. Two people were arrested when they tried to get inside, state police said.

By late afternoon, the demonstrators had mostly dispersed.

The governor insisted the matter wasn't handled with undue haste, calling the debate in the House and Senate a "healthy discussion."

Michigan gives the right-to-work movement its strongest foothold yet in the Rust Belt, where the 2010 election and tea party movement produced assertive Republican majorities that have dealt unions repeated setbacks.

Opponents said they would press Snyder to use his line-item veto authority to remove a $1 million appropriation from the bills, making them eligible for a statewide referendum. But the House swiftly rejected a Democratic amendment to that effect.

Lawmakers who backed the bills "will be held accountable at the ballot box in 2014," said state Rep. Tim Greimel, the incoming House Democratic leader.

But Sen. John Proos, a Republican from St. Joseph who voted for both bills, predicted that objections would fade as the shift in policy brings more jobs to Michigan.

"As they say in sports," he said, "the atmosphere in the locker room gets a lot better when the team's winning."

Associated Press


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Some tips to help deal with the effects of chemotherapy and radiation

Undergoing conventional cancer treatments can create a number of side effects. Here are a few, naturopathic ideas to try to reduce these.

Nausea ? Small frequent snacks can be helpful to abate nausea. For example, crackers and hummus, porridge or stewed fruits.? Avoid fried, rich and processed foods.? If smells makes you feel sick, try eating things cold. Create a relaxing environment to eat in, for example play music or have a nice view. Always rest after eating. Ginger has been shown to be as effective as pharmaceutical anti-nausea meds, so add it liberally to your cooking. Alternatively, infuse grated ginger in hot water add honey and sip frequently. Or find a compounded tablet. Sipping apple juice or peppermint tea quells nausea for some.

Diarrhoea ?To prevent dehydration try to drink a glass of fluid every hour. Consider fermented drinks such as organic kefir, miso soup or rejuvelac. Avoid drinks that are very hot, very cold, caffeinated, soft drinks or containing artificial chemicals. Avoid fatty foods. Add psyllium husks to your diet to help slow transit time and bulk up stools.

Constipation ? Ensure you are hydrated sufficiently. Choose organic fruit and vegetables.? Organic prunes, apricots and apples are particularly remedial for constipation. Try high fibre cereals and wholegrains.? Avoid processed foods high in sugar, wheat and preservatives.? Reduce alcohol and caffeine.? Magnesium in spinach, Brazil nuts, almonds, apricots, sultanas and artichokes can also help.

Kidney and Bladder ? some anti-cancer drugs irritate the bladder so drink plenty of fluids and choose liquid or soft foods like soup, broth, soft fruits and fruit sorbet. Cranberry juice is particularly good to prevent bladder infections. The hair (silk) from corn on the cob, can be infused in water to soothe the urinary tract if irritated. Corn is a food traditionally very helpful for the kidneys.

Chewing and Swallowing ? Mouth ulcers are common during conventional treatment so avoid highly seasoned, acidic or dry foods. Add gravy or sauces to make food easier to swallow. As many ulcers are associated with fungal infections, consider reducing refined sugar intake. Try swilling a light organic vegetable, seed or nut oil in the mouth for 4-5 minutes to soothe the pain.

Malabsorption ? If you are having chemotherapy, your ability to absorb vitamins and minerals can be reduced. Consider digestive enzymes, enzyme rich foods, smoothies and soups. Simultaneously, it?s important not to exceed recommended dietary intakes (RDI) of any nutrient in case they interfere with the treatments effect. Discuss this issue with your doctor.

Feeling full ? During treatment it?s common to feel full after the smallest amount of food. The best approach is to eat the most nutrient rich foods available, in small quantities, often.? Snack on activated buckwheat, soft organic fruits, miso soup, sprouted legumes, soaked almonds, goji berries and other ?super foods?.

Loss of appetite ? A common side effect of therapy is reduced interest in food due to pain, nausea or depression.? Think in terms of energy and vital nourishment to bolster you and nibble on regular small amounts of nutrient dense food or drink. The appetite can be stimulated by nice aromas. Try to eat or drink something nourishing every 3-4 hours to keep your energy balanced. Consider snacks like smoothies, avocadoes, vegetable juices, organic broths and soups.

If in doubt, always work with open-minded, well educated health professionals and your own intuition and insight to figure out the best approach to optimizing your health.

Copyright Sally Mathrick ? please cite if using this information


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Career Guide ? Looking ahead after class 12

Students have a tough time going through the various exams in class 10th then 12th. After all the school exams and studies, they have to further decide what to do ahead and how. Unfortunately, peer and family pressure at times leads to wrong decisions and a student ends up taking a course which his friends are taking or family wants him to do. But these decisions decide the career of the student and must be taken after weighing a lot of options.

With the help of ?The Penguin India Career Guide? CBSE has a Career Guidance document which highlights all the courses and combinations available for students after clearing class 12 CBSE exams.

The same is being cited below for your reference.After 12th
Actuarial Science

BA (PASS) Insurance University of Delhi 10+2 3 years
BA (Vocational) Insurance & Eco. & & Commerce University of Delhi 10+2 3 years
Vocational Course in Insurance The College of Vocational Studies, New Delhi 10+2 3 years
B.Sc.(with Acturial Science as a subject in an approved combination Goa University 10+2 3 years
University of Mumbai
BA in Actuarial Science Kurukshetra University, Haryana 10+2 3 years

Advertising-Art Courses

Fine Arts/Applied Arts College of Art, New Delhi
College of Art, Chandigarh
College of Arts & Crafts,Lucknow 10+2, Admission test 4 years
Govt. College of Arts & Crafts, Chennai
Diploma course in Graphic Art & Design Kala Bhavan, Viswa Bharati, West Bengal 10+2 with aptitude test 5 years

Archaeology and Art Restoration

BA(Archival Science) University of Ajmer
BA Archaeology MS University of Baroda, Gujarat 10+2 3 years
Bangalore University, Bangalore ?
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Univ. Maharashtra ?


B.Arch College of Fine Arts and Arch. Hyderabad CET and aptitude test 10+2 with PCM 5 years
Bihar College of Engineering CET for 50% seats
Chandigarh College of Arch. PCM and English with a min. of 55% in aggr.
College of Engineering, Goa 10+2, min. 45% aggr.
D.C.Patel School of Arch., Gujarat 10+2 with Science
PDA College of Engineering Karnataka CET and 50% PCM 4 years
Jagadguru Malikarjuna Murugharajendra Institute of Technology, Karnataka
Manipal Inst. Of Technology, Karnataka 10+2 with 50% marks in PCM, Interview 5 years
University Visvesvaraya, Karnataka 10+2 with PCM(min. 50% CET
Govt. Engineering College, M.P.
B.K.P.S. College of Arch. Maharashtra 10+2 with PCM(min.50%) Entrance Test
College of Fine Arts and Architecture, A.P. 10+2 PCM
School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi 60% in 10+2 PCME


B.Sc.Agriculture AP Agricultural Univ., Andhra Pradesh 10+2 with Phy. Sc.,Bio. Sc. Or Natural Sci. or Agri. EAMCET entrance exam.
Assam Agriculture Univ., College of Agriculture 50% in 10+2 PCMB or Equiv. Entrance exam.
Gujarat Agriculture Univ. 55% in 10+2 equiv. In Sc. With Engg. Entrance exam
Haryana Agriculture University 10+2 with Sc. Engg. exam and interview
Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth College of Agriculture, Maharashtra 12th or equiv. PCB 4 years
B.Sc. In Agriculture and Allied Sciences Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi 10+2 with Science
B.Sc. Horticulture College of Agriculture, A.P.
Deptt. of Horticulture, Maharashtra
College of Agriculture


B.Sc. Sri Venkateshwara Univ., AP
Guwahati University
University of Delhi
Kurukshetra University 10+2 3 years
Vidya Sagar Univ., West Bengal


B.Sc.Fisheries College of Fisheries, Bihar 10+2 Sc. 4 years
B.F.Sc. College of Fisheries, Kerala
B.Sc. In Aquarial Science University of Mumbai 10+2 Sc. 3 years


Short term certificate Marathwada University 10+2 1 year
course Maharashtra
BA(Bank Management Bharathidasan Univ. , T.N. 10+2 3 years

Business Management

BBA Garhwal University, Garhwal U.P.
Guru Ghasidas University, M.P. 10+2 3 years
Dr. B.R.Ambedkar University, U.P.
Degree course in BBS Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi 10+2, 50% marks
BBS College of Business Studies, Delhi 10+2 min. 60% marks


B.Sc. Kakatiya University, Andhra Pradesh 3 years
Patna University
B.Tech. All India Institute of Medical Sciences 10+2 PCB 4 Years
B.Sc. Microbiology University of Delhi 10+2 PCB 3 years
Punjab University
Guru Nanak Dev University
Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya,U.P.


Certificate in guidance IGNOU 10+2 6 months


BDS/MBBS All State Dental Colleges and Hospitals 10+2 with PCBE 4 years + 1 year residency


Designing National Inst. Of Design, Ahmedabad 10+2 entrance test 5 years
Diploma Course in Industrial and Communication design National Inst. Of Design, Ahmedabad 10+2 2 years
Undergraduate course in Accessory design National Inst. Of Fashion Tech. New Delhi 3 years
Diploma course in Furniture & Jewellery design South Delhi Pol for Women, N.D. 1-2 years
Diploma in Art & book Illustration and Graphics Shankar?s Academy of Art and Book Publishing, New Delhi 2 years

Fashion Design Courses

Diploma course in apparel merchandising National Institute of Design Ahmedabad 10+2 ?
Diploma in Fashion designing South Delhi Pol Technic, N.D. 10+2 written test 2 years
National Institute of Fashion Design, N.Delhi 1 year

Film, TV & Radio

Training for news readers Film & Tele. Institute of India (FTII), Pune 10+2 short term
IIMC, New Delhi


Cert. In Financial Management Gujarat University 10+2 6 months
Diploma in Cost and Works Accountancy University of Jodhpur 10+2 3 years

Fine Art and Commercial Art

Diploma in Drawing and Painting, Modeling and Sculpture Govt. College of Fine Arts and Architecture, Hyderabad Xth/Higher Secondary 4-5 years
BFA Jawaharlal Nehru University, Hyderabad 10+2 3 years
Delhi College of Art XIIth & entrance exam 4 years
University of Bombay 2 years
Diploma in Commercial Art Central School of Art and Crafts, A.P. Xth/Higher Secondary 4-5years
Sophia Polytechnic for Women, Mumbai 10+2 4 years
BA (Hons) in Art & Art Education Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi 10+2 3 years

Hotel Management

Diploma in Hotel Management All State Institutes of Hotel Management 10+2 with 50% in any discipline 3 years


Degree course in Journalism Lalit Narayan Mithila University, 10+2 3 years
Darbhanga, Bihar
Bangalore University
Bombay University
Marathwada university
BA.LLB State Universities 10+2 5 years

Printing and Publishing

Vocational Course in Book Publishing College of Vocational Studies New Delhi 10+2 3 Years
Course in Book Publishing Editing, Introduction and Sales Delhi University 10+2


Integrated degree course in Photography Jiwaji University, M.P. 10+2 3 years
University of Pune

Social Work

BSW/BA Universities of Andhra, Osmania, Baroda etc. 10+2 3 years
Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi


Bachelor of Physical Education Lakshmibai National College of Physical Education, Gwalior 10+2/HSC 3 years
Diploma course in cricket, handball, hockey kabaddi/kho-kho & swimming SAI-NSNIS, Gujarat 10+2/HSC 2 years
Courses in athletics, basketball, volleyball, judo, football, hockey SAI-NSNIS, Calcutta 10+2/HSC 1 year
Diploma courses for training of coaches SAI-NSNIS, Calcutta 10+2/HSC 1 year


Diploma in Pre School education M.S. University of Baroda 10+2 1 year
Early childhood education Osmania University, Hyderabad
SNDT Women?s Univ., Mumbai
BA B.Ed/Ba(Hons),B.Ed. 10+2 4 years
B.Sc., B.Ed. Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, M.P.
B.Sc.(Hons.), B.Ed.
B.Com., B.Ed.

There are many other interesting courses you can join:

  • Visual Art Computer Graphics
  • Diploma in export Management Correspondence
  • Certificate in Library Science Travel & Tourism
  • Computer Applications
  • Beauty and Hair Care Art Restoration
  • Civil Aviation
  • Flight Pursur/Air Hostess Pilot
  • Special Class Railway Apprentices Diploma in PR
  • Chartered Accountants Foundation
  • Cost and Works Accountants Foundation Diploma course in Secretarial Practice

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Tags: courses after 12th

About Anwesha Bose
I am really glad to see TIF shaping up the way it is. Thanks to all the authors, editors, managing editors and readers! :)
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