Sunday, April 7, 2013

Mom: 'BUCKWILD' star a Christian, now in heaven

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) ? For all his on-camera carousing and cussing, "BUCKWILD" reality TV star Shain Gandee was a publicly proclaimed and baptized Christian, and his mother told hundreds of mourners Sunday that she will see him again.

"I know where Shain is," Loretta Gandee told the family, friends and fans crammed into the Charleston Municipal Auditorium. "He said about a month ago, 'I know when I die I'm going to heaven.'"

Dressed in a hot-pink "Gandee Candy" T-shirt and jeans, she spoke only a few words but bellowed out an unaccompanied hymn, her voice echoing through the auditorium in prayer for their reunion.

Gandee, his 48-year-old uncle, David Gandee, and 27-year-old friend Donald Robert Myers were found dead April 1 in a sport utility vehicle that was partially submerged in a deep mud pit near Sissonville. They had last been seen leaving a bar at 3 a.m.

Autopsies determined all three died of carbon monoxide poisoning, possibly caused by the tailpipe being submerged in mud. That could have allowed the invisible gas to fill the vehicle's cabin.

Shain Gandee, nicknamed "Gandee Candy" by fans, was a breakout star of the show that followed the antics of young friends enjoying their wild country lifestyle. Season one was filmed last year, mostly around Sissonville and Charleston.

The Rev. Randy Campbell told the many young people in the crowd he understands that life bombards them with difficult choices. But he urged them to follow Shain Gandee's lead and embrace their faith now, while they are energetic and engaged.

"This life will hand you a lot of things and call it pleasure, but there is nothing that brings greater joy to a person's heart than serving the Lord," Campbell said. "You may think at this point, you're having fun, but those days will pass."

When they do, he said, God is all that matters.

Cameras were not allowed at the funeral or private family burial in Thaxton Cemetery.

As hundreds filed past the two closed coffins on the auditorium stage, a slideshow of family photos showed the simple life that Shain Gandee lived long before TV cameras started following him.

Set to country music were snapshots of him as a uniformed pee wee football player, as a teenager in a tuxedo for prom, then graduating from high school in a black gown and mortarboard.

In other images, he kissed a bride and held babies. In several, he wore hunting camouflage, displaying a slain buck by its antlers and lining up a batch of gray squirrels on a bench.

Gandee favored four-wheelers, pickups and SUVs over cellphones and computers, and "mudding," or off-road driving, was one of his favorite pastimes.

It was no coincidence some mourners arrived in mud-splattered trucks.

Dreama and Charlie Frampton, who live a few doors down, said Gandee had been playing in the mud since he was 5.

"If it wasn't a four-wheel drive truck," Dreama said, "it was a four-wheeler or a dirt bike."

"He was dedicated to the sport," Charlie added. "That's all you can do out in the country."

Gandee's family asked mourners to wear camouflage or the neon-colored Gandee Candy T-shirts to the service because Shain didn't like to dress up.

Ricky Sater, 23, said his friend would have loved the sea of camo and T-shirts that filled the auditorium.

"He probably would walk in there going, 'BUCKWILD!'" he said.

Sater has known Shain since middle school and last saw him a week ago, when he came over to borrow a pin for a trailer hitch.

"He said, 'See ya, Rick!' and I said, 'See ya, drunk!" recalled Sater, who got the terrible news days later in a phone call.

"My sister told me about it, and it being April Fool's, I thought she was joking. But she wasn't," he said, swallowing hard. "I try to keep my emotions balled up, but I started breaking down about six hours later."

Shooting was underway on season two at the time of Gandee's death, but MTV spokesman Jake Urbanski said film crews were not with him over Easter weekend and hadn't filmed him since earlier that week.

MTV says it will be weeks before producers and cast members decide whether to continue. For now, the network said, everyone is focused on supporting Gandee's family.

Katrina Burdette, 25, of Cross Lanes, didn't know Gandee but is friends with his cast mate, Ashley Whitt. Burdette has watched every episode and wants to see more.

"I think it should go on. Give them time to mourn and everything, but he'd want the show to go on," she said. "He wanted to be in the show and keep it going, so why not ? in his memory ? keep it going?"

MTV said the half-hour series in the old "Jersey Shore" time slot was pulling in an average of 3 million viewers per episode since its premiere and was the No. 1 original cable series on Thursday nights among 12- to 34-year-olds.

Others, like his neighbors the Framptons, say the show just won't be the same.

"They should just leave well enough alone," Charlie Frampton said.

But he won't object if the show survives. It's bringing people to West Virginia, and he rejects the notion that it portrays the state in a negative light.

"They're just showing what true country is," he said. "It's no worse than that 'Teen Mom.'"


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Stephen Estes: Best Remix of 2013: Game of Thrones Theme song vs. James Brown's 'A Man's World'

Thank God (and Al Gore) for the Internet! Every now and then I come across something online that just thrills me and reminds me why I absolutely LOVE living in the 21st century. When an email appeared in my inbox last night from my dad, I had no idea I was about to discover one of those things.

Game of Thrones fans, prepare to have your minds blown.

An Israeli DJ, who goes by "DJ Rozroz," mashed up "A Song of Fire and Ice" (the theme from Game of Thrones) with "A Man's World," sung by James Brown.

Yesterday the video had 7,000 views. Today it is up to 25,000. I'll spare you from my opinions on why this is a perfect, case-study-worthy example of how artists can tap into existing communities via social media to reach massive audiences. And I will instead mention some of my thoughts on why this mix is so beautiful and interesting.

To some, these songs might seem like an unlikely pair. To me, it's as if they were made for each other. Musically and melodically, the two songs are mesmerizingly complimentary. I just love it. But it is actually the message of it all that seems perfectly, almost eerily preordained.

"It's a man's world, but it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl."

In Game of Thrones, it is a man's world -- or so the men think. It is men who conceive of wars, it is men who fight those wars, kill people, rob, steal, vie for power, and strive for the Iron Throne. Yet, in this man's world that is Game of Thrones, beneath all the power struggles that divide each kingdom, there are far more dangerous forces taking root that will render men's power struggles trivial -- at most. And as those forces take root over the rest of this seasons and those that follow, it seems as though only one woman, Daenerys "Stormborn" Targaryen aka Khaleesi, might have what it takes to save the realm from total destruction.

James Brown's voice echoes hauntingly over the Game of Thrones musical backdrop, reminding us all of an often-forgotten truth -- that while it may seem like a man's world, and while men may think it's a man's world, this world would be nothing without women.

It will end up being a woman who saves the world from destruction in Game of Thrones. And if I were a betting man, I'd say that it will be a woman, or women, who too will save our world from destruction. When women, all women, reclaim their rights, realize their power, re-chart our societal course, rethink our collective values and perceptions of one another, and remind the rest of us of something quite commonsense -- that nothing is more important than life, love and liberty -- then, our world, like the fictional realm in Game of Thrones, will have a fighting chance.


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Two new bird flu cases in China amid poultry crackdown

By Adam Jourdan

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Two more people have contracted bird flu in Shanghai, China's health ministry said on Saturday, as authorities closed live poultry markets and culled birds to combat a new virus strain that has killed six people.

State-run Xinhua news agency said authorities planned to slaughter birds at two live poultry markets in Shanghai and another in Hangzhou after new samples of the H7N9 virus were detected in birds at the three sites.

More than 20,000 birds have been culled at another Shanghai market where traces of the virus were found this week.

Officials in Shanghai, China's financial hub, closed all the city's live poultry markets on Saturday, emptying food stalls.

All poultry trading was banned in Nanjing, another eastern Chinese city, although local officials said they had not found any trace of the bird flu virus and declared that chicken on the retail market was safe to eat, official media reported.

The new strain of bird flu has infected 18 people in China, all in the east. Six people have died in an outbreak that has spread concern overseas.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said that 10 infected people were severe cases and two were mild cases. It reiterated there was no evidence of ongoing human-to-human transmission of the virus.

"More than 530 close contacts of the confirmed cases are being closely monitored. In Jiangsu, investigation is ongoing into a contact of an earlier confirmed case who developed symptoms of illness," the Geneva-based WHO said in a statement on Saturday.

There were no signs of panic in Shanghai, where four of the six people died, and people generally said they were not worried. But the culling, which has been widely publicized, did underline for some how close to home the issue had become.

"Now it's just downstairs," said Liu Leting, a user of Weibo, China's version of Twitter which has more than 500 million users.

"Suddenly I discover that I'm living in an epidemic zone!"

In one city restaurant, a waitress said they planned to stop serving chicken because of the outbreak.

"After we sell out the chicken in stock, we will not buy new chicken and will stop serving chicken dishes for the time being," said the waitress, who declined to be identified.

While the strain does not appear to be transmitted from human to human, authorities in mainland China and Hong Kong said they were taking extra precautions.

Hong Kong's government said it was intensifying surveillance of travelers and poultry coming into the city.

China's Food and Drug Administration said it had fast-tracked approval for intravenous anti-influenza drug Peramivir, developed by the U.S.-listed biotechnology firm BioCryst Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Peramivir is in medical trials to prove its effectiveness against type-A and type-B influenza, the administration said in a statement. The H7N9 strain belongs to the type-A group.

Shanghai authorities have stressed the H7N9 virus remained sensitive to the drug Tamiflu and those who were diagnosed early could be cured. Tamiflu is made by Roche Holding AG.

China and Hong Kong were badly hit by a 2002-2003 epidemic of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome that started in China and killed about one-tenth of the 8,000 people infected worldwide.

(Additional reporting by Farah Master in Hong Kong, and Vivi Lin and Reuters TV in Shanghai, and Stephanie Nebehay in Geneva; Editing by Alistair Lyon and Richard Meares)


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US delays missile test amid tensions with North Korea

By Courtney Kube and Becky Bratu, NBC News

A senior defense official confirms that the Pentagon has delayed an intercontinental ballistic missile test that was scheduled for next week. The official says Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel decided to postpone the test because of ongoing tensions with North Korea.

The test was "long planned and was never associated with North Korea to begin with," the official said, but added that "given recent tensions on the Korean Peninsula, it's prudent and wise to take steps that avoid any misperception or chance of manipulation, so the test has been postponed."

The test was planned for next week at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. It would have tested the Minuteman 3 ICBM missile.

The U.S. will conduct another test soon, the senior defense official said, adding that the U.S. "remains strongly committed to our nuclear deterrence capabilities."

The unusual move follows recent warlike rhetoric from North Korea, which included a threat to attack U.S. bases in the Pacific.

North Korean authorities also told diplomatic missions they could not guarantee their safety starting next Wednesday -- after declaring that conflict was inevitable. There were also reports that North Korea had moved two medium-range missiles to a location on its east coast.

Reuters contributed to this report.


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Liver transplantation for patients with genetic liver conditions has high survival rate, study finds

Apr. 5, 2013 ? Patients faced with the diagnosis of a life-threatening liver disease have to consider the seriousness of having a liver transplant, which can be a definitive cure for many acquired and genetic liver diseases. Among the main considerations are the anxiety of waiting for a donor organ, the risks associated with the transplant operation, and the chance that the transplant procedure will not achieve the desired result. There is also the six-figure cost of the procedure and accompanying patient care, all of which may not be completely covered by health insurance. But, according to a study appearing in the April issue of the Journal of the American College of Surgeons, researchers at the David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) found that liver transplants are worth the risk for people who have genetic liver conditions.

The study is a first-of-its-kind, single-institution comparison of outcomes for both pediatric and adult patients undergoing liver transplantation for lethal genetic syndromes. Researchers found that children with genetic disorders that cause fibrosis, cirrhosis, and other liver conditions, which can affect other organs, have a good chance of still being alive five years, even 20 years after a liver transplant operation. Adults with these types of conditions also have high survival rates.

"If we had not transplanted these patients, long term, they would have died," said study lead author, Henrik Petrowsky, MD, who was an attending transplant surgeon and assistant professor of surgery at UCLA during the time the study was conducted.

Patients with genetic liver conditions are different from those who developed liver diseases from a hepatitis C infection or alcoholism. First, this patient population is less common. Dr. Petrowsky estimates that only about 9 percent of liver transplants in children and only 2 percent in adults are performed as a treatment to correct genetic conditions. Second, the severity of genetic liver disease may not be as obvious. Since donated livers are allocated according to who needs them most, people with genetic liver diseases often have to be given extra consideration when weighing how long they can wait for a donor organ.

Although the genetic defect permeates every cell in the affected patient's body,it expresses mainly in the liver. However, certain disorders could also affect other organs. During a transplant, when the old liver is replaced with a new one "it's almost a form of gene therapy," explains Dr. Petrowsky, who is now vice chair of the department of visceral and transplant surgery at the University Hospital Zurich in Switzerland. "The genetic defect is still in every cell, but since it's mainly expressed in the liver, the genetic disorder is corrected by the transplanted liver which does not harbor the genetic defect."

Dr. Petrowsky's team wanted to evaluate the impact of the transplant procedure on patients' outcomes, especially because patients families go through so much before a transplantable liver can be procured.

Therefore, the investigators looked at patient records from the UCLA liver transplant database for 74 children and 78 adults who had received liver transplants between 1984 and 2012 to correct genetic disorders. For 68 percent of those patients, the genetic disorder led to cirrhosis, or scaring of the liver, making liver transplantation their only hope for survival.

Five years later, 89 percent of children in the study were still alive, and 77 percent were still alive 20 years later. For adults, 73 percent were still alive after five years and 50 percent were still alive after 20 years.

"Without a transplant, the five-year survival rates are below 5 percent, depending on the severity of the liver disease," Dr. Petrowsky said.

Only one pediatric patient and one adult patient had a recurrence of the underlying genetic disease. The pediatric patient died 12 years after the transplant. The adult had another liver transplant and was still alive 22 years later. "For certain genetic conditions, replacing the liver is not enough," Dr. Petrowsky explained, because "other tissues and organs are expressing the mutated protein. So the discussion now is should we do a combined liver and bone marrow transplantation in these rare cases to improve the outcome?"

Only 13 percent of adult patients and 22 percent of pediatric patients required another transplant. For pediatric patients, the primary reasons for the additional procedure were blood clots in the hepatic artery or the body rejected the new organ. The majority of adults who needed another transplant had primary non-function, meaning the transplanted organ simply didn't work.

Despite the complications, Dr. Petrowsky said the high survival rates also imply that liver transplantation is currently the best available treatment for patients with genetic liver disease. "Liver transplantation for lethal genetic syndromes represents a model of personalized genomic medicine by providing gene therapy through solid organ transplantation," the authors wrote. Additionally, genetic testing could be used to not only confirm the cause of liver disease, but also predict it in people who have certain genetic markers. The results of that finding could be used to guide treatment decisions.

The high survival rates also make up for the risks and the costs of liver transplantation, which could be as high as $577,000 according to the United Network of Organ Sharing.* "Transplantation saves lives," Petrowsky said. "Many of the patients go on to live a good life. We have pediatric patients who were transplanted as infants. If they had not received a transplant, they would not have survived. Many of them are alive more than 20 years after transplant, are married, and some of them have even kids, and have great careers," he concluded.

Other participants in the study included F. Charles Brunicardi, MD, FACS; Voon Meng Leow, MD; Robert S. Venick, MD; Vatche Agopian, MD; Fady M. Kaldas, MD; Ali Zarrinpar, MD, PhD; Daniela Markovic, MS; Sue V. McDiarmid, MD; Johnny C. Hong, MD, FACS, Douglas G. Farmer, MD, FACS; Jonathan R. Hiatt, MD, FACS, and Ronald W. Busuttil, MD, FACS.

*Source: Financing a Transplant. United Network for Organ Sharing. Available at Accessed April 4, 2013.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American College of Surgeons.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Henrik Petrowsky, F. Charles Brunicardi, Voon Meng Leow, Robert S. Venick, Vatche Agopian, Fady M. Kaldas, Ali Zarrinpar, Daniela Markovic, Sue V. McDiarmid, Johnny C. Hong, Douglas G. Farmer, Jonathan R. Hiatt, Ronald W. Busuttil. Liver Transplantation for Lethal Genetic Syndromes: A?Novel Model of Personalized Genomic Medicine. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2013; 216 (4): 534 DOI: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2012.12.050

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Friday, April 5, 2013

Washington State Marijuana-Bars Issue Prompts Crackdown

(Adds bar owner comments, governor reaction, details)
By Eric M. Johnson
SEATTLE, April 3 (Reuters) - Washington state will clamp down on bars that have been sidestepping a ban on consuming marijuana in public by converting part of their space into private clubs.
The move comes as the state considers ways to regulate marijuana after voters legalized the drug for recreational use last year.
In November Washington and Colorado became the first U.S. states to approve marijuana for adult recreational use. The Washington law would ultimately permit cannabis to be sold and taxed at state-licensed stores.
The state's Liquor Control Board, charged with overseeing the move to legal recreational pot use, said on Wednesday that it would crack down on bars that convert into clubs where people can consume marijuana.
"These licensed locations are allowing patrons to either smoke, vaporize or otherwise ingest marijuana on the premises," the board said in a statement.
Brian Smith, a board spokesman, said the law prevents public display of pot use, including in restaurants and bars, a civil infraction punishable by a $103 fine on the customer.
"You can't open it up, you can't show somebody, and you certainly can't smoke it or ingest it in some way in a public place," he said. "Bars and restaurants are public places that we license."
Smith said there were at least two bars in the Pacific Northwest state where patrons were using pot. The Washington state liquor control board "will take steps to prevent that kind of activity from proliferating," he said.
The Liquor Control Board has until December to set up a system to oversee adult recreational pot use.
Under current law, there are no provisions that tell authorities how to deal with bars or restaurants that allow marijuana on their premises.
Jeff Call, owner of the Stonegate Pizza and Rum Bar, said he had partitioned part of his Tacoma bar as a private club where pot users could light up, and that he wants to work with authorities.
"It all depends on the rules. We want to comply. I am trying to work with the state. We are trying to do it in a responsible manner," he said.
In the state capital of Olympia, Frank Schnarr, owner of Frankie's Sports Bar & Grill, also has set up a private room so customers can use marijuana. He said he would maintain that arrangement and challenge the new restrictions in court.
"It got passed for recreational use," Schnarr said of the voter-approved measure. "They should let it be smoked everywhere."
The Liquor Control Board is due to draft new pot regulations by May 22, gather public comment at a hearing on June 26, and accept or reject the rules on July 3. They will become effective on Aug. 3.
The state's Democratic Governor Jay Inslee said he was committed to applying the law in a way that will create a well-regulated industry for marijuana, which remains illegal under federal law.
"The law is clear that marijuana cannot be consumed in public. Allowing that would run counter to the state's commitment to responsible implementation and send just the wrong message," said David Postman, a spokesman for Inslee.
Eighteen states, plus the District of Columbia, have legalized marijuana for medical use, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
A law decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana went into effect in Rhode Island on Monday after the state last year became the 15th in the United States to enact such legislation. (Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Xavier Briand)

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Used parachute on Mars flaps in the wind

Apr. 4, 2013 ? Photos from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show how the parachute that helped NASA's Curiosity rover land on Mars last summer has subsequently changed its shape on the ground.

The images were obtained by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Seven images taken by HiRISE between Aug. 12, 2012, and Jan. 13, 2013, show the used parachute shifting its shape at least twice in response to wind.

The images in the sequence of photos are available online at and at .

Researchers have used HiRISE to study many types of changes on Mars. Its first image of Curiosity's parachute, not included in this series, caught the spacecraft suspended from the chute during descent through the Martian atmosphere.

HiRISE is operated by the University of Arizona, Tucson. The instrument was built by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., Boulder, Colo. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Project and Curiosity are managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

For more information about the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which has been studying Mars from orbit since 2006, visit .

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

N.Y. politicians arrested in alleged mayoral race bribe scheme

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Satechi 10-Port USB 3.0 Hub

By Ahmer Kazi Who can argue with having more USB ports? This question rings especially true in an age where folks typically have more USB-enabled devices than available USB ports on our PCs. The Satechi 10-Port USB 3.0 Hub ($69.99 list) aims to address this imbalance by serving up a hub that adds a net gain of nine additional USB 3.0 ports and can charge tablet devices like the Apple iPad. Although it's somewhat pricey and requires an external power supply, it nonetheless succeeds in multiplying your connectivity options more than any of the ports that we've seen thus far. If you have a bunch of peripherals or are simply tired of constantly swapping devices in your system's USB ports, it's worth checking out.

The 10-Port USB 3.0 Hub's plastic chassis measures 1.06 by 1.75 by 8.69 inches (HWD), resulting in a long thin strip that looks a lot like a surge protector. While its glossy black finish is easy on the eyes and complements its array of blue USB 3.0 ports and LED lights, it also attracts a considerable amount of smudges and fingerprints much like the Satechi Slim Surge Protector. Although, the 10-Port USB 3.0 Hub itself is slim enough to slip into your laptop bag or place on your desk without occupying too much space, its power supply adds some bulk.

As its name suggests, there's a total of ten USB 3.0 ports on the 10-Port USB 3.0 Hub. It connects to your system via the included USB 3.0 cable, and the net gain of nine USB 3.0 ports yields far more connectivity options than either the Satechi Ultra Portable 4 Port USB Pocket Hub or the Targus Ultralife USB Hub with Ethernet Port.

Nine of the 10-Port USB 3.0 Hub's USB 3.0 ports are housed on the face of the hub. These nine ports are divided into groups of three, and three corresponding switches on the front panel's left side control the power supply for each group. When switched on, a blue LED accordingly illuminates the corresponding trio of ports. Thanks to the 10-Port USB 3.0 Hub's strip-shape design, there's enough space to prevent neighboring ports from overcrowding one another. The 10-Port USB 3.0 Hub's tenth and final USB port, meanwhile, sits alone on the right panel alongside its own dedicated on/off switch. Unlike the 0.9 amp of power found in the other nine ports, this particular port provides 2.1 amps, and its increased amperage allows it to charge iPads and other similarly-sized tablets.

During testing, the 10-Port USB 3.0 Hub worked just as one would expect, and I experienced no difference in performance when transferring a 1.22GB test folder from a flash drive plugged directly into my computer and when it was plugged into the 10-Port USB 3.0 Hub. The 10-Port USB 3.0 Hub is compatible with Windows (98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7/8) and Mac (OS 9.1 or later), and since it's a plug-and-play device, setting it up requires little beyond plugging it into one of your system's USB ports and a power outlet. Like the Satechi 3.0 4-Port USB Hub, it relies on an external power source. While I typically prefer bus-powered hubs for their unfettered portability, this shortcoming is more forgivable in the case of the 10-Port USB 3.0 Hub since it requires more electric current stability for its considerable amount of ports and tablet-charging capability.

All said, the Satechi 10-Port USB 3.0 Hub is an efficient way to multiply your USB 3.0 connectivity options. Although it costs a bit more than the competitors and requires an external power supply, these shortcomings are understandable considering its net gain of nine USB 3.0 ports and compact size. If you find yourself juggling a bunch of peripherals or have simply grown tired of constantly swapping peripherals out of your USB ports, it's worth checking out.


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Birth Control Changes Who Women Are Attracted To | Celebrity ...

birth-controlAccording to a new study, your birth control will not only control whether or not you get pregnant, but it will also control who you?re attracted to. In this study, it was proven that women who take birth control were less partial to masculine facial features when they were on the pill, as compared to being off of it.

Must Read: Don?t Believe The Hype! Take Your Birth Control!

The study showed 18 straight college-aged women in the U.K. composite images of men?s and women?s faces. They were told to adjust the images until they?d zeroed in on the face they?d be most attracted to for a short-term or long-term relationship. These women were tested once on the pill and three months later, off the pill.

Women on the pill were less inclined to pick masculine features like stronger jaw lines and prominent brows ridges and they showed no negative effects towards women?s features. This study was split into two parts and the second part assessed 170 couples. Half of the couples had women who were on birth control when they met their mate and the other half were women who were not. The researchers showed photos of the men to volunteers, who rated the masculinity of their image. It?s being reported that the women who were on the pill when they met their partners tended to be in a relationship with men whose faces were less manly.

Anthony Little, a study researcher claims, ?The pill changes the hormonal profile of women, and this hormonal profile influences bodily processes concerned with conception and reproduction.? So, if you?re on the pill, look at the man you?re dating. How manly are his features?

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