Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Business Loans for Bad Credit ? An Absolute Solution For Bad Credit

Business Loans For Bad Credit
For effective business operations, the requirement of adequate funds in pocket is a must have thing. Shortage of fiscal supply may generate lots of difficulties in business. It?s not easy for someone to fulfill business expenditures from personal budget. To be able to assist business owners monetarily, numerous financial establishments came ahead.

Even so, a lot of the financial institutions require that you have excellent or ideal credit rating. In the event, individuals who are operating business even with bad credit background can benefit from bad credit business loan programs. Do you really need business loans despite bad credit score? If so, then check out business loans for bad credit without any difficulty and inefficient process. Bad credit business loan solution assists business owner to develop their business at quicker pace. Also, the Individuals can utilize the business loan funding for any project initiation.

Bad credit business loan can be employed for any business oriented objective. You can put in funds to develop your current business or start a new one.

Secured Loan
This solution assists customers to organize a large amount with requiring security next to finance. It?s a precarious choice for borrowers. Even so, this also provides a number of advantages at the same time, such as low rate of interest, Annual percentage rates and easy payment per month. Amount of the loan that you can obtain with secured loan type can be varies from $5,000-$250,000 with long payment term of 5-30 years.

Unsecured Loan
It?s a finest loan program for tenants and persons who have no property to place as collateral against the loan amount because it?s totally free of collateral. In this arrangement, people can get outstanding amount of the loan in the array of $5,000-$150,000 with uncomplicated and adaptable loan repayment period of 2-10 years. These days, property owners also choose to opt for this particular service as they do not wish to risk of their attributes.

Business loans for bad credit can be employed for different reasons, just like working capital, purchase, office property, manufacturing plant, equipment, gadgets, tools, technology, wages, salaries, and so on. Previous economical problems, like County Court Judgements, arrears, foreclosures, bankruptcy, Individual Voluntary Arrangement or late obligations can?t produce anymore issues. Borrowers are needed to complete one online loan application plus they can acquire the specified amount within 24 hours. Bad credit lenders comprehend the emergency of cash and they accept loan requests quickly without spending any time. Therefore, obtain the instant money and take care of all fiscal issues now.

Business loans for bad credit act as legitimate rescuer for individuals with bad credit. These finances are authorized without credit assessment and faxing of paperwork.


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Monday, July 29, 2013

The Mayor Of Crack Calls Weiner ?Good Democrat,? Unloads On Geraldo: ?Stop The Bullsh*t? On My Past

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3 dead when church bus carrying teens crashes in Indianapolis

A woman is transported helicopter for transport hospital after bus crash Saturday July 27 2013 Indianapolis. The Indianapolis Fire Department

A woman is transported to a helicopter for transport to a hospital after a bus crash, Saturday, July 27, 2013 in Indianapolis. The Indianapolis Fire Department says three people were killed when a bus carrying teens from a church camp crashed on a busy thoroughfare near Interstate 465. The bus was carrying 40 passengers who are members of Colonial Hill Baptist Church and were returning from camp when the crash happened Saturday afternoon. (AP Photo/The Indianapolis Star, Michelle Pemberton) NO SALES

storyidforme: 52705677
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Updated: July 27, 2013 10:51PM

INDIANAPOLIS ? A bus carrying teenagers returning to Indiana from a church camp in Michigan crashed Saturday afternoon just minutes from home, killing three people and sending 26 others to hospitals.

The bus came speeding off of Interstate 465 in northern Indianapolis, about a mile from the Colonial Hills Baptist Church that passengers attended, struck a retaining wall as it rounded a curve and overturned. The campers were returning from Camp CoBeAc in northern Michigan, about six hours away.

The church?s youth pastor had sent a tweet a couple of hours before the crash saying the group was expected to arrive at the church about 4:15 p.m., around the time the accident happened.

?They were not that far from home. That only adds to the tragedy,? said Indianapolis Public Safety Director Troy Riggs.

The dead included a man and his wife, Riggs said. Authorities did not provide information about the third victim.

Riggs and Mayor Greg Ballard visited the crash scene, where clothing, pillows and seat cushions from the bus were scattered along with at least two shattered windows, before they headed to the church. Riggs said there was no indication that the driver had a medical emergency and called the accident ?a great tragedy.?

Ballard said investigators were taking measurements and examining the bus to determine the cause of the crash.

WTHR-TV reported the bus driver told witnesses his brakes failed. Indianapolis Fire Department Lt. Ato McTush said police and fire officials had not determined whether the church-owned bus, which was carrying 37 passengers plus the driver, had mechanical issues.

Duane Lloyd told WTHR that he heard a loud noise behind him as he was traveling near the intersection and saw the crash around 4:15 p.m.

?I heard a skid. I looked back. I see this bus in the air and people falling out of the bus,? Lloyd said. ?I could have gone my whole life without seeing that.?

Karen Woodard, a member of Colonial Hills Baptist Church, cried as she stared at the wrecked bus.

?It?s so terrible. I can?t believe it,? she said.

Indianapolis Fire Department said crews had to free five people who were trapped inside after the crash. Several people stopped to help before first responders could arrive, including one man who helped pull the driver out of the bus, the department said.

?People were stopping their cars. People were literally trying to lift the bus,? Lloyd said. ?You just try to do what you can do.?

Fire officials said the injured included children and adults.

Nine teenagers were taken to IU Health Methodist Hospital, including one in critical condition. Three of those were treated and released, hospital spokeswoman Sally Winter said. She said 10 others, including nine teenagers and a toddler, were taken to Riley Hospital for Children. Seven of those teenagers were treated and released, Winter said.

Many of the patients were suffering head, arm and leg injuries, fire officials said.

Roads near the scene were closed, and authorities urged people to use caution in the area. A hazardous materials crew was cleaning up diesel fuel that spilled in the crash.

Outside the church, a yellow school bus with the church school?s name was parked outside with piles of sleeping bags and suitcases nearby. Families hugged outside and talked quietly before going inside, where they met with Ballard and Riggs Saturday evening.

Ballard described the families as ?remarkably positive? despite their sorrow.

?Some of the teenagers are hurting pretty bad and you can see that in their faces,? he said.

Church member Jeff Leffew, 44, of Fishers, who had three daughters on the bus that crashed and a fourth on a second bus, said he was waiting to pick them up in the church parking lot when the second bus arrived. He said he knew immediately that something was wrong because the kids on the bus were screaming.

He went to the crash scene and found his three daughters with only bumps and bruises.

He called the crash scene ?surreal.?

?You?re just praying that it?s not as bad as it looks,? he said. Roads near the scene were closed, and authorities were urging people to use caution in the area. A hazardous materials crew was in the area cleaning up diesel fuel that spilled in the crash.


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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sex and video games: Virtual reality erotica may be the HolyGrail

Video games

32 minutes ago

A small company in Irvine, CA, has started working on what it claims to be "the world's first erotic virtual reality game" for the Oculus Rift.

Wicked Paradise

A small company in Irvine, CA, has started working on what it claims to be "the world's first erotic virtual reality game" for the Oculus Rift.

Video games stand apart from the rest of modern technology because of the medium's immunity to pornography. Perhaps it's because gamers ? historically male teenagers and twentysomethings ? just aren't into porn, right?

OK, that can't be it.

The more likely reason is that it's really, really hard to blend sex and video games in a convincing way. Sure, on TV's "30 Rock," fictional character Tracy Jordan dreamed up a game "where characters get weird with each other for golden points." But until recently, all that reality produced were Japanese dating sims, clumsy hook-ups in "Second Life" and silly bouncing cars in "Grand Theft Auto." Even Paul Trowe, the CEO of Replay Games ? which recently rebooted the cheesy and borderline-offensive "Leisure Suit Larry" franchise ? admitted to NBC News that the infamous game "isn't about sex; it's about the absence of sex."

"Heavy Rain" was considered groundbreaking for the quality of its voice-over and motion-capture work when it was released in 2010

Heavy Rain / Sony

"Heavy Rain" may have been visually groundbreaking when it was released in 2010, but the horrendously awkward sex scene is one of the main things that kept players from truly suspending disbelief.

Video game virtual sex has been on an upswing in recent years, with varying degrees of success. Character-driven games like "Dragon Age" and "Heavy Rain" created somber novelesque sex scenes with a photorealism never before rendered in polygons, but drew complaints that the illusion fell flat. Character movements are a bit inhuman, or worse, players are required to participate in goofy ways, like using a PS3's dual joysticks to unhook a virtual bra.

And that's the problem.

The closer developers get to "virtual sex," the greater the risk of falling into the uncanny valley ? our natural revulsion to the not-quite human. (This divide is what makes "The Incredibles" more watchable than "Polar Express.") What will it take to bridge the valley? The latest virtual-reality goggles and full-body motion sensing a la Xbox Kinect, working in tandem, says Jeroen Van den Bosch, the latest entrepreneur to seek this Holy Grail.

Think 'wicked'
Belgium-born Van den Bosch runs a small startup in Irvine, Calif., and claims to have a working prototype of "the world's first erotic virtual reality adventure game."

Jeroen Van den Bosch, the founder of Wicked Paradise.

Wicked Paradise

Jeroen Van den Bosch, the founder of Wicked Paradise.

Exactly how players hook up in "Wicked Paradise" isn?t something Van den Bosch will detail during the development phase. But he claims his game will succeed where others have failed because the visual quality of computer-generated images (CGI) is finally able to make practically life-like characters.

Van den Bosch also has a not-so-secret weapon ? a virtual reality (VR) gaming headset heralded as the first VR product that actually works. The Oculus Rift ? high-tech goggles through which users see 3-D panoramic images that adjust in real time ? promises "total immersion" for the player.

"So in real life when you're reaching out to grab that door handle" (or whatever else one might want to reach out and grab in an "erotic" game), "in virtual reality you can see yourself do exactly the same thing," Van den Bosch said.

"It's awesome," he says of his as-yet-unseen game.

Erotica or smut?
Just don?t call the game "pornography."

"Porn is making something that you watch; we're making something that you do,? Van den Bosch told NBC News.

Van den Bosch working with one of the motion-capture actresses for "Wicked Paradise." He told NBC News that his work on "Wicked Paradise" was inspired by recent games like "Heavy Rain" and "The Last of Us" that were praised for the quality of their motion-capture and voiceover work that helped create realistic and dynamic characters with which players could interact.

Road to VR

Van den Bosch working with one of the motion-capture actresses for "Wicked Paradise." He told NBC News that his work on "Wicked Paradise" was inspired by recent games like "Heavy Rain" and "The Last of Us" that were praised for the quality of their motion-capture and voiceover work that helped create realistic and dynamic characters with which players could interact.

?We have thousands of very well-designed shooter games that all cater to negative emotions ? terror and fear," Van den Bosch said. "But we very rarely have any attempts to create positive emotions like passion, seduction, and love."

He?s not alone in this observation.

Modern game design hasn't exactly evolved to make different kinds of relationships and interactions with game characters possible, explained Belinda Van Sickle, the president and CEO of Women in Games International, which works to promote the inclusion and advancement of women in the games industry worldwide.

"The template game mechanic for so many games is just shooting things," Van Sickle told NBC News. "And that's just because: sex is not simple. Violence is simple!"

Van den Bosch, too, is critical of the game industry's double standard of inviting people to consume horrendously violent work while simultaneously abhorring anything that has the least bit to do with sex.

Nonetheless, news of "Wicked Paradise" has been met with sarcastic smirks if not outright disdain. "This is why we can't have nice things," BuzzFeed's game critic quipped in an article about "the horny dudes" who are "making a porno" for the Oculus Rift.

Like its science fiction counterpart "Mass Effect," "Dragon Age: Origins" drew fierce praise and condemnation alike for its frank depictions of sex and LGBT relationships.


Like its science fiction counterpart "Mass Effect," "Dragon Age: Origins" drew fierce praise and condemnation alike for its frank depictions of sex and LGBT relationships. Despite breaking new ground, many gamers and even the game's own developers now admit that the blocky animations and Enya-esque soundtrack for the sex scenes made it hard to appreciate them for anything but their sheer camp value.

Rather than a ?porno,? Van den Bosch prefers to compare ?Wicked Paradise? to ?Game of Thrones? ? something that has says is "very sexually explicit but still has a great storyline."

Will it catch on?
Whether or not the eight-person team behind "Wicked Paradise" is truly a group of inspired artists or just a group of "horny dudes," Van Sickle told NBC News that she doubts the mainstream game industry will change its outlook about sex in video games any time soon.

Sickle said that since the Entertainment Software Rating Board's main purpose is to protect "the video game industry from becoming a target" of public criticism, she would be surprised if the organization starting relaxing its stringent standards around sexual material (compared to, say, violent content) any time soon.

"Leisure Suit Larry" was one of the first games to popularize the dating simulation/adventure game hybrid for American audiences. While the series has become synonymous with the salacious underbelly of video games, Paul Trowe, president of Replay Games, insists that "Leisure Suit Larry" is more about "the absence of sex" than anything explicit or raunchy. His company recently released "Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded," the latest installment in the series, to middling reviews.

Replay Games

"Leisure Suit Larry" was one of the first games to popularize the dating simulation/adventure game hybrid for American audiences. While the series has become synonymous with the salacious underbelly of video games, Paul Trowe, president of Replay Games, insists that "Leisure Suit Larry" is more about "the absence of sex" than anything explicit or raunchy. His company recently released "Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded," the latest installment in the series, to middling reviews.

The ESRB rating system maintains a powerful enough grip over many of the most lucrative parts of the industry that the vast majority of game developers making material like Van den Bosch's don't bother submitting games for a rating. Receiving an Adults-Only (AO) rating from the ESRB preemptively shuts it off from millions of players, since none of the major game consoles or video game retailers like Wal-Mart or Best Buy will allow AO-rated games anywhere near their customers.

As with the Internet, Van Sickle thinks that sexually explicit material in video games is an eventual inevitability ? as long as hardware developers like Oculus VR keep their promise to not regulate content. And, well, that may not be such a bad thing after all.

"There's a market for adult video games, because adults play video games and adults like sex," Van Sickle said. "So I'd like it see to grow and become something above-ground, rather than what it is right now."

Yannick LeJacq is a contributing writer for NBC News who has also covered technology and games for Kill Screen, The Wall Street Journal and The Atlantic. You can follow him on Twitter at @YannickLeJacq and reach him by email at:


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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Clinical Trial at MD Anderson Cancer Center Orlando Testing New Oral Medication to Treat Breast Cancer

Newswise ? Orlando, FL ? July 26, 2013 ? MD Anderson Cancer Center Orlando is participating in a clinical trial to evaluate a new oral medication (BKM120) in combination with Fulvestrant to treat locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer that is hormone receptor positive and HER2 Neu negative and that has progressed on an aromatase inhibitor. BKM120 belongs to a new class of drugs called PI3K inhibitors, which in combination with traditional treatments may be able to slow or stop cancer growth.

BKM120 and Fulvestrant for Treating Postmenopausal Patients with Estrogen Receptor-Positive Stage IV Breast Cancer

Also known as the Belle-2 clinical trial, this study will determine if BKM120 in combination with Fulvestrant helps breast cancer patients live longer and prevent their disease from spreading. PI3K is an enzyme that plays a central role in the development of numerous cancers. By blocking this enzyme, BKM120 may enhance the effectiveness of standard treatment with Fulvestrant. Currently, Fulvestrant is the drug most post-menopausal patients with hormone receptor positive breast cancer receive when their disease progresses.

?The Belle-2 trial is exploring a new drug that blocks an important enzyme critical for cancer cells,? said Rebecca Moroose, MD, Medical Oncologist, MD Anderson ? Orlando. ?Our hope is that this study will shed light on additional strategies to fight breast cancer, delay the progression of the disease and prolong survival.?

At present, there are limited treatment options specifically approved for treatment of breast cancer after the cancer has reoccurred or progressed on an aromatase inhibitor. Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) are a class of drugs used to treat breast and ovarian cancers in postmenopausal women. As breast and ovarian cancers require estrogen to grow, AIs are taken to either block the production of estrogen or block the action of estrogen on receptors. The development of this drug BKM120 may be beneficial in increasing the effectiveness of hormone blocking medications in certain patients.

MD Anderson ? Orlando is the only hospital in Central Florida and one of only five in the state to offer this clinical trial to breast cancer patients.

For more information on this clinical trial contact MD Anderson ? Orlando at 321-841-1620 or visit


MD Anderson Cancer Center Orlando
MD Anderson Cancer Center Orlando, part of Orlando Health, is affiliated with The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. U.S. News & World Report recently ranked MD Anderson Cancer Center as the top cancer treatment center in the U.S. and has ranked it as one of the top two cancer centers for the past 13 years. Orlando Health, a 1,882-bed community-owned, Florida not-for-profit organization established in 1918, annually serves nearly 2 million Central Florida residents and more than 4,500 international patients. More information is available at


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Man admits to captivity, abuse of 3 Ohio women

CLEVELAND (AP) ? A man accused of kidnapping three women, keeping them captive in his Cleveland home for a decade and raping them repeatedly is waiting to be sentenced after pleading guilty in a deal to avoid the death penalty.

Ariel Castro, 53, a former school bus driver, pleaded guilty Friday to 937 counts in the deal, which sends him to prison for life without parole, plus 1,000 years.

Wearing an orange prison jumpsuit, eyeglasses and a bushy beard, Castro was far more engaged than in previous court appearances when he mostly kept his head down and eyes closed. He answered the judge's questions in a clear voice, saying he understood that he would never be released from prison and adding that he expected he was "going to get the book thrown at me."

He told the judge he was addicted to pornography, had a "sexual problem" and was himself the victim of sexual abuse long ago.

"My addiction to pornography and my sexual problem has really taken a toll on my mind," he said.

The judge accepted Castro's plea, declared him guilty, and set his sentencing for Thursday.

The women, who did not attend the court proceeding, said in a statement they were relieved by the conviction.

"They are satisfied by this resolution to the case, and are looking forward to having these legal proceedings draw to a final close," said the statement released on their behalf.

Castro's uncle, Julio Castro, who has run a nearby corner store for 44 years, said the ordeal will be with the family the rest of their lives.

"He's getting what he deserves," Castro, 77, said. "Nobody has the right to incarcerate you for 10 years."

The three women disappeared separately between 2002 and 2004, when they were in their teens or early 20s. Each said she had accepted a ride from Castro, who had remained friends with the family of one of the women and attended vigils over the years marking her disappearance.

The women escaped from his home May 6 when one of them kicked out part of a door and called to neighbors for help. Castro was arrested and jailed shortly afterward.

He had been scheduled for trial in August on a 977-count indictment, but 40 counts were dropped Friday as part of the plea deal.

Castro was accused of restraining the women, sometimes chaining them to a pole in a basement, to a bedroom heater or inside a van. The indictment included two counts of aggravated murder related to accusations that he punched and starved one of the women until she miscarried.

Gina DeJesus, Amanda Berry and Michelle Knight disappeared when they were 14, 16 and 20 years old. Castro fathered a 6-year-old daughter with Berry, now 27, authorities say.

Prosecutors said Friday they will recommend at the sentencing that Castro have no contact with the girl he fathered. There's "zero chance" he'll ever be allowed to see her, Prosecutor Tim McGinty said.

McGinty said the county will use more than $20,000 seized from Castro to tear down his house within a month, and two abandoned houses next door will be razed and a vacant lot acquired for a park.


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