Tuesday, January 31, 2012

AP Source: Assistant Flood accepts Rutgers job (AP)

A person familiar with the decision says Rutgers assistant Kyle Flood has accepted an offer to replace Greg Schiano as the team's head coach.

The person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity Monday because the school has yet to make an official announcement.

Rutgers had pursued Florida International football coach Mario Cristobal, but he opted to stay put.

Schiano left Rutgers last week to become the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' head coach, leaving the school scrambling for a replacement less than a week before national signing day.

Flood was promoted to interim coach last week and interviewed for the job over the weekend. He has been a member of Schiano's staff since 2005, working his way up to assistant head coach in 2008.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/sports/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120130/ap_on_sp_co_ne/fbc_rutgers_coach

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Religious slights are the buzz as India marks Republic Day

Followers of India's three main religions - Islam, Hinduism, and Sikhism - have balked loudly at cultural slights this week. There's a reason for it, and it's not all politics.

No one likes to have their religion slighted. This is especially true in India, where there are thousands of gods, and tensions are close to the surface when it comes to ill-considered comments about religion.

Skip to next paragraph

Last week, author Salman Rushdie canceled his much anticipated visit to India?s biggest literary festival because of reported threats of assassination. Many Muslims regard his 1988 novel, "Satanic Verses," to be blasphemous, and some Muslim clerics threatened massive protests if Mr. Rushdie showed up at the festival in Jaipur. A handful of authors attempted to read the book ? which is banned in India ? on Rushdie?s behalf in a form of protest, but organizers stopped them.

Just the day before, American late night talk show host Jay Leno managed to offend India?s Sikh community with a satirical sketch, involving the Sikh faith?s holiest shrine, the Golden Temple. In a video showing the homes of the GOP presidential candidates, Leno showed a photo of the Golden Temple, calling it ?Mitt Romney?s summer home on Lake Winnipesaukee.??

But that wasn?t all.

On Jan. 25, a Chicago-based sports commentator offended Hindus in his post-game description of a hockey match between the Chicago Blackhawks and the Nashville Predators. Sportscasters are famous for stretching metaphors to the breaking point, but the Chicago commentator was quoted by Indian websites as saying the Predators were ?swallowing up space like some weird Hindu god."

The objection is to the word ?weird,? which a Nevada-based Hindu community leader Rajan Zed ? president of the Universal Society of Hindus ? said was hurtful to the feelings of the world?s 1 billion Hindu people.

Offending all three of the main faiths of the world?s second largest country is quite a feat. In hockey games this is called a hat trick.

What outsiders generally don't quite grasp about India is that sacredness is woven into almost every act of every day. Unlike post-religious societies, where Westerners may attend church once a week (or once a year), many Indians are constantly aware of their religious duties at work, at play, at meal times. I can't tell you how many times I've sat in the back of a taxi cab, in fear, as a Delhi taxi driver takes his hands off the wheel and puts them together in a sign of respect as he passes a holy shrine.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/csmonitor/globalnews/~3/srm12iWmM0k/Religious-slights-are-the-buzz-as-India-marks-Republic-Day

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Monday, January 30, 2012

At New Orleans comic event, mere humans become heroes (Reuters)

NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) ? Vampires drenched in fake blood mingled with sword-toting ninjas. Martian manhunters rubbed elbows with Batman and Wonder Woman.

For the thousands of comic-culture fans who circulated around acres of exhibits at the New Orleans Comic conference on Saturday, the event was a chance to meet, or temporarily become, a hero.

"When I walk out in regular clothes, no one pays any mind," said attendee Jeff Kent, who was dressed in the gleaming white, robot-like garb of a "Star Wars" storm trooper. "But when I put this on, all of a sudden I'm a rock star."

The event, one of several staged around the country by comic book and digital publisher Wizard World, continued on Sunday.

Celebrities on hand to meet fans included actors William Shatner ("Star Trek"), Adam Baldwin ("Full Metal Jacket"), Mary McDonnell ("Battlestar Gallactica"), James Marsters ("Buffy: The Vampire Slayer") and Lou Ferrigno (Incredible Hulk"), along with

legendary comic book creator Stan Lee and a host of comic artists.

Cartoonist and comic book creator Larry Marder, who has published his "Tales of the Beanworld" comics for almost 40 years, told Reuters that at one time the primary focus of these conventions were the comic books and novels that shaped this peculiar segment of American culture.

"It used to be that the stories came first, and people read their monthly comics and were loyal to them," he said. But over the years, characters like Superman, Batman and Spiderman became brands that reached far beyond their book origins.

"It's almost as if the characters were real and they had agents who exploited their likenesses across many platforms - like movies, games, TV shows and breakfast cereal," he said.

Marder said that the launch of "Star Wars" by movie producer George Lucas set the stage for a merchandising industry that widened into toys, video games and action figures. The expansion of the industry made a host of characters into household names, and turned fictional heroes into megapersonalities.

"Superheroes are essentially power fantasies, and the superhero fan has become the backbone of our industry," Marder said.

Fans such as Chris Labrad support that theory. The Jackson, Mississippi, resident came to the comic conference with fellow members of the Mississippi Mandalorians, a "Star Wars" club he joined four years ago.

"I always saw those characters on television and thought, 'I wish I could meet those guys,'" he said.

Costumed as a S.H.I.E.L.D Sniper from Marvel Comics' Avenger Universe at the convention, Labrad said he is also a devoted "Star Wars" fan and has three different Jedi costumes, including Luke Skywalker.

"Events like this give us an excuse to dress up and be these people for a while," he said.

Many of the fan groups build their activities around charitable causes, with members donning their costumes for fund-raising events.

The man best known for his 1960s television portrayal of a 23rd-century starship commander has a theory about why certain types of people flock to events such as the New Orleans event.

"It's part of our need for heroes," Shatner told fans who had jammed into a meeting room for a question-and-answer session with the star of the original "Star Trek" television series and movies. "This is our participation in the mythology of 'Star Trek.'"

While "Star Trek" and subsequent movie series "Star Wars" were among the older cultural phenomena represented at the convention, their still-strong fan base made Shatner a big draw.

"Star Trek" devotees will never forget the actor's portrayal of the morally grounded commander of the Starship Enterprise, Captain James T. Kirk. Shatner purports to be sick of his decades-long association with Kirk, but he clearly enjoys having fun with it.

"Do you boldly go where no man has gone before?" a fan asked him, hearkening to the mission of the Starship Enterprise.

"It depends on the girl," the 80-year-old Shatner quipped.

(Reporting by Kathy Finn; Editing by Corrie MacLaggan and Greg McCune)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/us/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120129/us_nm/us_comedy_neworleans

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Spartacus, Episode 1: The Things That Made Us Go "Ew!" (omg!)

Liam McIntyre  | Photo Credits: Starz Entertainment

Run! Spartacus and his rebels are on the loose! In the Season 2 premiere of Spartacus: Vengeance, we see that no Roman is safe ? not even those spending their hard-earned coin at a brothel!

It's war between Spartacus' unwashed gang and the Romans, mainly Gaius Claudius Glaber and new pup Seppius, whom we foresee will be equally annoying and entertaining. Also, what's with the Folgers-ad-worthy banter and chemistry between him and his sister Seppia? Meanwhile, after the rebels go on a bordello killing spree, Crixus learns that his love Naevia is being sold from dominus to dominus as a sex slave. We also see Oenomaus running around incognito in a hooded robe, Lucretia has survived her abdomen wound but isn't quite sane, and Glaber is forcing his wife Ilythia to hang out in Capua while he seeks to defeat Spartacus.

Spartacus: What to expect in Season 2 (beyond the blood and bodies)

Let's check out this week's "Ew!" moments:

The Blood - Body count*: innumerable. In the opening battle, it was Agron brutally bashing one of the Roman's heads into a stone repeatedly that had us covering our eyes (and ears!). Later, Oenomaus makes short work with some men who attack him in an alley ? breaking one assailant's arm so that the bone sticks through the skin and then splitting another guy's abdomen from bottom to top, much as one would do with a human-sized haggis. There's plenty of naked bodies getting sliced and chopped up in the brothel massacre, but two rather disturbing highlights include one large Roman voyeur getting his throat impaled from behind and then Crixus using a ruthless interrogation tactic: wiggling his finger around in the slaver Trebius' fresh sword wound. Ouch!

The Bodies - Total scenes: 2.5. There's minor nudity scattered throughout the episode, and Ilythia gets hot and bothered flashing back to her masked tryst with Spartacus, while in reality, Spartacus is having unmasked relations with Mira. But really, this episode is all about the unique tour of the whorehouse, in which we see ladies and gents alike being manhandled and abused. Although there's plenty of sex, it's not really sexy considering these slaves can't fight back and Spartacus' men are splashing blood and entrails everywhere.

Liam McIntyre takes over as Spartacus' rebel with a cause

Best Line of the Week: From one of Spartacus' men: "You had me at whores."

*It should be noted that we may have to dispense with the body count this season now that it's open season on Romans and freed slaves alike. "I tried to [keep track] this season," series star Liam McIntyre told TVGuide.com in early January, "but because they're not in an arena where it's nice and tidy one-on-one, it's just ridiculously massive."

What did you think of the premiere? How do you like McIntyre as the new Spartacus? Which scenes disturbed you the most?

Also, check out our video interview:

Warm socks sent to North Korea by balloon

South Korean activists sent warm socks and messages attached to balloons toward North Korea Saturday, according to the AFP news agency.

About 1,000 pairs were attached to the five large gas-filled were launched in the northern South Korean city of Paju, the AFP reported.

The Seoul-based group North Korea Peace said the messages sent with each pair of socks were "politically innocuous."

"We're not interested in sending political messages or sparking any troubles there. All we want is that people in the North wear warm socks over their frozen feet," Sunny Kim, a spokeswoman for the activists, told AFP.

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Slideshow: Daily life in North Korea (on this page)

"Warm socks are so rare and they can easily be traded for cash in the North. One pair of socks fetches about 22 pounds? of corn, which is enough to sustain a person for a month," Kim added.

Balloon food, propaganda
Earlier this month, defectors from the North sent packages of food by balloon to their former country ahead of the Lunar New Year.

In December, following the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong il, defectors from the North and southern activists sent giant balloons containing tens of thousands of propaganda leaflets across the border.

The leaflets contained messages opposing another hereditary power transfer in North Korea, as well as portraits of Kim Jong Il and heir Kim Jong Un.

Video: Defectors send food by balloon to North Korea (on this page)

North Korea has warned in the past that it would fire at South Korea in response to such actions.

Slideshow: Journey into North Korea (on this page)

Kim Jong Il died of a heart attack on Saturday caused by overwork and stress, according to North Korean media. He was 69 ? although some experts question the official accounts of the date and place of his birth.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46172516/ns/world_news-asia_pacific/

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ford hit by commodity costs, international woes (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? Ford Motor Co reported a lower-than-expected fourth-quarter profit on Friday as commodity costs shot up and results from operations outside North America fell short of expectations.

The No. 2 U.S. automaker's losses in Europe nearly quadrupled during the quarter as the economy suffered amid the ongoing debt crisis. Flooding in Thailand led to a loss in Asia, and increased competition blunted profits in South America.

"We saw the external environment deteriorate, and that really affected most regions other than North America," Chief Financial Officer Lewis Booth told reporters, "and then we saw slightly greater than we expected impact of commodities, currency and also the Thai floods."

Shares of Ford, which derives the bulk of its revenue from North America, fell more than 5 percent in premarket trading.

Excluding one-time items, Ford's operating profit fell to $1.1 billion, or 20 cents per share, from nearly $1.3 billion, or 30 cents per share, a year earlier.

On that basis, analysts on average were expecting 25 cents per share, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

"It's been a tough go for Ford," said portfolio manager Gary Bradshaw of Hodges Capital Management of Dallas, which owns Ford shares. "It seems like the company continues to execute, but there are plenty of headwinds."

Besides higher commodity costs, Ford also said it missed expectations because of unfavorable exchange rates.

Profit margins in Ford's automotive business fell to 5.4 percent in 2011 from 6.1 percent in 2010. Commodity costs for the year came to $2.3 billion, up slightly from the company's $2.2 billion forecast.


Ford's losses in Europe widened to $190 million in the fourth quarter from $51 million a year earlier. In South America, the company's pretax operating profit fell to $108 million from $281 million.

Ford posted a quarterly loss of $83 million in Asia, compared with a year-earlier profit of $23 million. The company flagged the loss in Asia earlier this month.

Booth said he expected Ford to be "modestly profitable" in Asia in 2012, but he did not provide a forecast for Europe, where he said rivals have piled on incentives to sell vehicles. Ford expects European growth will be tempered by the debt crisis and austerity measures in 2012.

Compared with Detroit rival General Motors, Ford is less exposed to Europe, Jefferies analyst Peter Nesvold said.

"Ford won't be immune to a downturn in Europe, but I think the product lineup is a little bit fresher and a little bit better, and it's a smaller piece of the overall pie," said Nesvold, who has a "buy" rating on Ford. "Europe is less of an anchor for Ford's shares than it is potentially for GM's shares."

For the fourth quarter, Ford reported net income of $13.6 billion, or $3.40 per share, buoyed by a one-time tax-related gain of $12.4 billion. Net income was $190 million, or 5 cents per share, a year earlier.

The higher net income was the result of an accounting change that Ford said reflects confidence in its long-term profit outlook. The one-time gain resulted in full-year net income of $20.2 billion, the highest since 1998.

(Reporting by Deepa Seetharaman, Ben Klayman and Bernie Woodall; Editing by Derek Caney and Lisa Von Ahn)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/business/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120127/bs_nm/us_ford

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Lohan Sued for Allegedly Hitting a Nanny with Her Car

Lindsay Lohan has managed to stay out of legal trouble since her November jail stint -- but now she may be headed to court for a car accident that happened 17 months ago. The victim? Reportedly, a nanny who was pushing a stroller when Lohan hit her with a sports car.

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Biden says Democrats can win back control of House (Reuters)

CAMBRIDGE, Maryland (Reuters) ? Vice President Joe Biden told Democratic lawmakers on Friday that he believes their party can regain control of the House of Representatives from the Republicans in the November 6 elections because voters are starting to see the benefits of President Barack Obama's policies.

"I really think we're going to win back the House," Biden told House Democrats at a retreat in Maryland. "I think we will win based purely on the merits of our positions."

(Reporting By David Lawder; Editing by Will Dunham)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/gop/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120127/pl_nm/us_usa_campaign_biden

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fed and Apple reignite buying on Wall Street (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? Big profits from Apple and a promise from the Federal Reserve to keep rock-bottom rates for at least two more years powered the U.S. stock market higher on Wednesday.

Apple Inc (AAPL.O) led the Nasdaq to a 1 percent gain. Shares of the maker of iPhones and iPads surged to a record, making it the most valuable U.S. company in terms of market capitalization. Apple finished up 6.2 percent at $446.66.

Buying picked up after the Federal Reserve said it would keep interest rates near zero through at least 2014, which was longer than many investors anticipated. The actions were taken as a sign of the central bank's commitment to boost a sluggish economic recovery.

"What caught the market off guard was obviously the fact they are going to keep rates lower for longer," said John Canally, investment strategist at LPL Financial in Boston.

"This statement (on an inflation target) moves the ball slightly down the field" for possible more quantitative easing later, Canally said, referring to a type of monetary stimulus.

The Fed also took an historic step of setting an inflation target of 2 percent, which brings the U.S. central bank in line with many of the world's other central banks that use an explicit benchmark for policy.

Apple was a standout in what has otherwise been a fairly lackluster earnings season. So far, 57 percent of companies reporting have beaten forecasts, while at this stage in past earnings seasons, the beat rate averaged 70 percent.

Apple shares hit an all-time high of $454.45 on results issued after Tuesday's market close that sailed past expectations. The move higher pushed Apple's market capitalization above that of Exxon Mobil (XOM.N), making it the largest publicly held U.S. company.

The Dow Jones industrial average (.DJI) rose 83.10 points, or 0.66 percent, at 12,758.85. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index (.SPX) was up 11.41 points, or 0.87 percent, at 1,326.06. The Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC) ended up 31.67 points, or 1.14 percent, at 2,818.31.

In other earnings news, both United Technologies Corp (UTX.N) and Rockwell Automation Inc (ROK.N) slightly missed revenue forecasts. United Tech shares closed down 0.2 percent at $77.65 and Rockwell dropped 2.9 percent to $79.42.

Another diversified manufacturer, Textron Inc (TXT.N), surged 14.6 percent to $24.76 after it raised its 2012 profit forecast. The S&P industrials index (.GSPI) gained 1.2 percent.

Corning Inc (GLW.N) tumbled 10.7 percent to $13.05 as manufacturers cut back on the production of big-screen televisions that use the company's specialty glass.

Greece was hoping to reach a deal with its bondholders as talks were set to resume this week to avoid a messy default. Such an outcome could threaten the stability of other debt-laden members of the euro zone as well as the global economy.

(Reporting By Angela Moon; additional reporting by Rodrigo Campos; Editing by Kenneth Barry)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/business/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120125/bs_nm/us_markets_stocks

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ABBA to launch revamped final album, with new track (Reuters)

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) ? Swedish pop group ABBA are to release a new version of their last album, featuring a previously unreleased track for the first time since 1994, the group's website said on Wednesday.

ABBA remain one of the world's most popular bands and their music got a new lease of life with the "Mamma Mia" stage show and film. The band's website said a deluxe edition of their final album, "The Visitors," would be released in April.

"For ABBA fans, the most sensational inclusion in the package will be the previously unreleased track, 'From A Twinkling Star To A Passing Angel (demos)'," a statement said.

"This is the first time since the 'Thank You For The Music' box set in 1994 that ABBA have opened the doors to the tape vaults to release previously unheard music from the group's heyday," it added.

The release will also feature bonus selections along with a DVD of rare and previously unreleased material from the archives.

The Visitors album was originally released in 1981.

ABBA, made up of Agnetha Faltskog, Anna-Frid Lyngstad, Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus, racked up a string of hits in the 1970s and '80s, and their cult following has transformed them into some of Sweden's most recognizable figures.

(Reporting by Patrick Lannin, editing by Paul Casciato)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/music/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120125/music_nm/us_sweden_abba

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

US: Taliban must renounce terrorism for talks

Afghanistan's Deputy Foreign Minister Jawed Ludin, right, gestures as he speaks during a joint press conference with Marc Grossman the special U.S. envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. Ludin says the Afghan government supports having a Taliban political office opened in Qatar and would back an American decision to transfer some Taliban detainees from the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to Qatar. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)

Afghanistan's Deputy Foreign Minister Jawed Ludin, right, gestures as he speaks during a joint press conference with Marc Grossman the special U.S. envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. Ludin says the Afghan government supports having a Taliban political office opened in Qatar and would back an American decision to transfer some Taliban detainees from the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to Qatar. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)

Marc Grossman the special U.S. envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan speaks during a joint press conference with Afghanistan's Deputy Foreign Minister Jawed Ludin, unseen, in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. Marc Grossman, a top American diplomat visiting Afghanistan, says the United States wants the Taliban to issue statements disassociating themselves from international terrorism and saying they want to join a peace process to end the 10-year war. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)

An Afghan man rides his bicycle during a snowstorm in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)

(AP) ? The Taliban must renounce ties to terrorists and endorse peace efforts as a condition for opening a political office in the Gulf state of Qatar, a senior U.S. diplomat said Sunday.

Marc Grossman, the special U.S. envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, called for quick work in setting up the office in Qatar, seen as a step to negotiating an end to the decade-long war in Afghanistan between the Taliban and the Western-backed government.

The issue underscores the complexity of efforts to wind down the war ahead of the scheduled departure of NATO combat forces by the end of 2014. Publicly, the Taliban have expressed no interest in reconciliation, and while the U.S. says repeatedly that the peace process must be led by Afghans, Kabul continues to fear it is being left out of the negotiating process.

Grossman spoke to reporters Sunday in Kabul alongside Afghanistan's Deputy Foreign Minister Jawed Ludin.

Grossman said Qatar and Afghanistan need to be in direct contact about the office, but "for an office to open, we also need to have a clear statement by the Afghan Taliban against international terrorism and in support of a peace process to end the armed conflict in Afghanistan."

Grossman, speaking at the Afghan Foreign Ministry on a snowy evening in Kabul, noted that the Afghan government would welcome a delegation from Qatar to discuss setting up the office.

Reassuring Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who fears he is being sidelined by U.S. efforts to find a political resolution to the war, Grossman said, "Only Afghans can decide the future of Afghanistan."

Before making his first visit to Afghanistan, Grossman made stops in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and India. He wanted to stop in Pakistan as well, but he said Pakistani officials did not want to meet with him now because they were still revising their policy toward the U.S.

The relationship is badly strained over the U.S. unilateral raid in Pakistan that killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and a U.S. airstrike late last year that killed 24 Pakistan soldiers. Pakistan, where many Afghan insurgent leaders are said to be based, has closed overland routes into Afghanistan for U.S. and NATO war supplies.

Both Grossman and Ludin said Pakistan has a crucial role to play in efforts to craft a peace deal with the Taliban.

"There really can't be a comprehensive settlement here ? a peace process ? unless Pakistan is part of it," Grossman said.

Last year Washington opened secret negotiations with the Taliban exploring their willingness to enter into peace talks ahead of the withdrawal of U.S. troops.

Talks with the Taliban briefly faltered last summer after Karzai learned of the clandestine negotiations and made them public, temporarily scuttling them. Privately, Karzai has expressed fears that the United States will broker a deal with the Taliban that will be imposed on his government.

U.S. conversations with Taliban representatives have focused on establishing the Taliban office in Qatar and prisoner exchanges. The Taliban are seeking the release of five prisoners from the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, including Khairullah Khairkhwa, the former governor of Herat province, and Mullah Mohammed Fasl, a top Taliban commander.

Ludin expressed the Afghan government's support in getting a Taliban political office opened in Qatar and said it also would back an American decision to transfer some Taliban detainees from the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to Qatar.

"If the United States decides to transfer these detainees to Qatar, to the extent that that means that these people will be reunited with their families, the Afghan government will support it. ... but you also will have to ascertain the desire of the detainees themselves," Ludin said.

Grossman said no decision has been made about the transferring detainees from Guantanamo Bay.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2012-01-22-AS-Afghan-Talks/id-c41d9ddb0fea4846a1f8064db8019c19

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Giffords' decision sets up political free-for-all (AP)

PHOENIX ? U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' decision to resign from Congress sets up a political free-for-all in her competitive southeastern Arizona district, with voters set to pick a temporary replacement and then a full-term representative in rapid succession.

As Giffords, critically injured in a mass shooting last year, steps out of the public eye this week to focus on rehabilitation and recovery efforts, her departure thrusts Tucson into the national spotlight.

The three-term Democrat was heavily favored to be re-elected, so her decision to step down creates an opportunity for Republicans to pick up a seat in the House.

But holding onto Giffords' seat has sentimental as well as symbolic value for Democrats as the elections will come as the presidential race intensifies ? in a Red state that the Obama campaign is targeting.

Bruce Ash, Republican national committeeman for Arizona, said the upcoming special election "will be a bellwether probably for the November elections."

Giffords was shot in the head as she met with constituents outside a Tucson supermarket on Jan. 8, 2011. Six people died and 13 were wounded, including Giffords. She has made steady progress in her recovery, returning to the House chamber in August to cast a vote for the debt-ceiling compromise, but she still has difficulty speaking.

With both parties expected to target the race, "it means money. It means lots of national money," said Carolyn Warner, Democratic national committeewoman.

Under a timetable set in Arizona law, Republican Gov. Jan Brewer will schedule the special elections ? both a primary and a general ? once Giffords leaves office and a vacancy is declared.

The primary is expected to be held in April and the general in June.

But only months later, there will be the regular primary election in August to pick nominees for the Nov. 6 election for the full two-year term that starts next January.

"We have no idea how this is going to go," said state Rep. Steve Farley, a Democrat who said he had his sights on running for a state Senate seat but now is leaving open the possibility of a congressional race. "The dynamics are going to be very hard to predict."

In another twist, the district itself changes between the two elections, shedding some outlying areas of Tucson and including more of the central city.

The special election is for the 8th Congressional District. The regular election is for the 2nd District, recently renumbered and reconfigured under the once-a-decade redistricting.

"It's going to complicate things for people who are running in that they have to run in both districts," said Jim Kolbe, the Republican who held the congressional seat before Giffords.

Both versions of the district are regarded as competitive, but Democrats pick up a few percentage points in voter registration under the newer version to pull roughly even with Republican. Independents make nearly a third of the electorate.

Voter turnout typically is low in special elections, but the extra attention devoted to this campaign could spur participation, particularly among Democrats, who tend to vote at lower rates than Republicans, said Patrick Kenney, an Arizona State University political science processor.

And the circumstances of Giffords' departure could provide a "sympathy vote" for a Democratic nominee with issue stances and ties to the area that are similar to the outgoing representative, Kenney said.

Several potential hopefuls said they were caught off guard by Giffords' decision to resign and now have to quickly assess their options.

"It's going to draw a lot names," said state Sen. Frank Antenori, a Republican who may enter the race. He said he wants to consider polling results before making a decision, likely by the end of the week.

Other Republicans mentioned as potential candidates include 2010 nominee Jesse Kelly, sports broadcaster Dave Sitton and former legislator Jonathan Paton, who lost to Kelly in the district's Republican primary two years ago.

On the Democratic side, it's not known if Giffords will endorse a replacement. Those mentioned as potential candidates include state Sen. Paula Aboud, Farley and fellow state Rep. Matt Heinz.

"A lot of us are," Heinz said when asked whether he is considering a run for the seat.

A Giffords endorsement would be big, Farley said. "That person is going to have an endorsement as having been chosen to carry out her legacy."

Giffords' husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly, has quashed speculation that he might run.

In a speech at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on Monday night, Kelly reiterated that he will not seek his wife's seat.

"I'm asked over and over again if I'm running for Congress, and I keep saying no," he said. "Then I keep getting asked again, and I have to say no a different way."

But he left open a window to seek public office later, after focusing on his wife's recovery.

"You know, I've been a public servant for a long time, and I think public service is in my future again," he said. "But right now, my goal is to make sure she can get back to where she needs to be, so she can return to work."

Republicans now control five of Arizona's eight current U.S. House seats. The state is getting a ninth seat thanks to post-census reapportionment.


Associated Press writer Grant Schulte in Lincoln, Neb., contributed to this report.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/uscongress/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120124/ap_on_el_ho/us_giffords_seat

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Monday, January 23, 2012

AP IMPACT: Meth fills hospitals with burn patients (AP)

ST. LOUIS ? A crude new method of making methamphetamine poses a risk even to Americans who never get anywhere near the drug: It is filling hospitals with thousands of uninsured burn patients requiring millions of dollars in advanced treatment ? a burden so costly that it's contributing to the closure of some burn units.

So-called shake-and-bake meth is produced by combining raw, unstable ingredients in a 2-liter soda bottle. But if the person mixing the noxious brew makes the slightest error, such as removing the cap too soon or accidentally perforating the plastic, the concoction can explode, searing flesh and causing permanent disfigurement, blindness or even death.

An Associated Press survey of key hospitals in the nation's most active meth states showed that up to a third of patients in some burn units were hurt while making meth, and most were uninsured. The average treatment costs $6,000 per day. And the average meth patient's hospital stay costs $130,000 ? 60 percent more than other burn patients, according to a study by doctors at a burn center in Kalamazoo, Mich.

The influx of patients is overwhelming hospitals and becoming a major factor in the closure of some burn wards. At least seven burn units across the nation have shut down over the past six years, partly due to consolidation but also because of the cost of treating uninsured patients, many of whom are connected to methamphetamine.

Burn experts agree the annual cost to taxpayers is well into the tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars, although it is impossible to determine a more accurate number because so many meth users lie about the cause of their burns.

Larger meth labs have been bursting into flame for years, usually in basements, backyard sheds or other private spaces. But those were fires that people could usually escape. Using the shake-and-bake method, drugmakers typically hold the flammable concoction up close, causing burns from the waist to the face.

"You're holding a flame-thrower in your hands," said Jason Grellner of the Franklin County, Mo., Sheriff's Department.

Also known as the "one-pot" approach, the method is popular because it uses less pseudoephedrine ? a common component in some cold and allergy pills. It also yields meth in minutes rather than hours, and it's cheaper and easier to conceal. Meth cooks can carry all the ingredients in a backpack and mix them in a bathroom stall or the seat of a car.

The improvised system first emerged several years ago, partly in response to attempts by many states to limit or forbid over-the-counter access to pseudoephedrine. Since then, the shake-and-bake recipe has spread to become the method of choice.

By 2010, about 80 percent of labs busted by the federal Drug Enforcement Administration were using shake-and-bake recipes, said Pat Johnakin, a DEA agent specializing in meth.

So instead of a large lab that supplies many users, there are now more people making meth for their personal use. The consequences are showing up in emergency rooms and burn wards.

"From what we see on the medical side, that's the primary reason the numbers seem to be going up: greater numbers of producers making smaller batches," said Dr. Michael Smock, director of the burn unit at Mercy Hospital St. Louis.

It's impossible to know precisely how many people are burned while making shake-and-bake meth. Some avoid medical treatment, and no one keeps exact track of those who go to the hospital. But many burn centers in the nation's most active meth-producing states report sharp spikes in the number of patients linked to meth. And experts say the trend goes well beyond those facilities.

The director of the burn center at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, the state that led the nation in meth lab seizures in 2010, said meth injuries are doubly damaging because patients often suffer thermal burn from the explosion, as well as chemical burns. And the medical challenge is compounded by patients' addictions.

"You're not judgmental in this kind of work, but you see it day after day," said Vanderbilt's Dr. Jeffrey Guy. "We've had patients say, `I'm going out for a smoke,' and they come back all jacked up. It's clear they went out and did meth again."

Few people burned by meth will admit it.

"We get a lot of people who have strange stories," said Dr. David Greenhalgh, past president of the American Burn Association and director of the burn center at the University of California, Davis. "They'll say they were working on the carburetor at 2 or 3 in the morning and things blew up. So we don't know for sure, but 25 to 35 percent of our patients are meth-positive when we check them."

Guy cited a similar percentage at Vanderbilt, which operates the largest burn unit in Tennessee. He said the lies can come with a big price because the chemicals used in meth-making are often as dangerous as the burns themselves.

He recalled the case of a woman who arrived with facial burns that she said were caused by a toaster. As a result, she didn't tell doctors that meth-making chemicals got into her eyes, delaying treatment.

"Now she's probably going to be blind because she wasn't honest about it," Guy said.

In Indiana, about three-quarters of meth busts now involve shake-and-bake. And injuries are rising sharply, mostly because of burns, said Niki Crawford of the Indiana State Police Meth Suppression Team.

Indiana had 89 meth-related injuries during the 10-year period ending in 2009. The state has had 70 in the last 23 months, mostly from shake-and-bake labs, Crawford said.

What's more, meth-related burns often sear some of the body's most sensitive areas ? the face and hands.

"I don't think a lot of these patients will be able to re-enter society, said Dr. Lucy Wibbenmeyer of the burn center at the University of Iowa. "They'll need rehab therapy, occupational therapy, which is very expensive."

Researchers at the University of Iowa found that people burned while making meth typically have longer hospital stays and more expensive bills than other burn patients ? bills that are frequently absorbed by the hospital since a vast majority of the meth-makers lack insurance.

Medicaid provides reimbursement for many patients lacking private insurance, but experts say it amounts to pennies on the dollar.

Doctors at Bronson Methodist Hospital in Kalamazoo, Mich., performed a five-year study of meth patients in the early 2000s, then a follow-up study in 2009-2010. Their investigation concurred with the Iowa findings. The Kalamazoo study also found that meth burn victims were more likely to suffer damage to the lungs and windpipe, spent more time on ventilators and needed surgery more often.

That report also found that only about 10 percent of meth patients had private insurance coverage, compared with 59 percent of other patients. And in many cases, their injuries leave them unable to work.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/topstories/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120123/ap_on_re_us/us_meth_severe_burns

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International Organization To Assess Earth Defense From Space Dangers

arisvega writes in with a story about an international organization that is trying to come up with options to save the planet from a large asteroid or comet collision. "NEOShield is a new international project that will assess the threat posed by Near Earth Objects (NEO) and look at the best possible solutions for dealing with a big asteroid or comet on a collision (PDF) path with our planet. The effort is being led from the German space agency's (DLR) Institute of Planetary Research in Berlin, and had its kick-off meeting this week. It will draw on expertise from across Europe, Russia and the US. It's a major EU-funded initiative that will pull together all the latest science, initiate a fair few laboratory experiments and new modelling work, and then try to come to some definitive positions. Industrial partners, which include the German, British and French divisions of the big Astrium space company, will consider the engineering architecture required to deflect one of these bodies out of our path."

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Croats say 'yes' to EU membership

Croatia's president Ivo Josipovic casts his ballot at a polling station in Zagreb, Croatia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. Croatians vote Sunday in a nationwide referendum on whether to join the European Union, a test of how much the debt-stricken 27-nation bloc has lost its appeal among potential new members. (AP Photo/Darko Bandic)

Croatia's president Ivo Josipovic casts his ballot at a polling station in Zagreb, Croatia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. Croatians vote Sunday in a nationwide referendum on whether to join the European Union, a test of how much the debt-stricken 27-nation bloc has lost its appeal among potential new members. (AP Photo/Darko Bandic)

A voter casts his ballot at a polling station in Zagreb, Croatia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. Croatians vote Sunday in a nationwide referendum on whether to join the European Union, a test of how much the debt-stricken 27-nation bloc has lost its appeal among potential new members. (AP Photo/Darko Bandic)

A voter casts his ballot at a polling station in Zagreb, Croatia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. Croatians vote Sunday in a nationwide referendum on whether to join the European Union, a test of how much the debt-stricken 27-nation bloc has lost its appeal among potential new members. (AP Photo/Darko Bandic)

Voters cast their ballots at a polling station in Zagreb, Croatia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. Croatians vote Sunday in a nationwide referendum on whether to join the European Union, a test of how much the debt-stricken 27-nation bloc has lost its appeal among potential new members. (AP Photo/Darko Bandic)

Croatia's president Ivo Josipovic, left, fills his ballot paper at a polling station in Zagreb, Croatia, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. Croatians vote Sunday in a nationwide referendum on whether to join the European Union, a test of how much the debt-stricken 27-nation bloc has lost its appeal among potential new members. (AP Photo/Darko Bandic)

ZAGREB, Croatia (AP) ? Croatians voted Sunday in favor of joining the European Union amid a record small referendum turnout ? a sign of how much the debt-stricken 27-nation bloc has lost in its appeal within the aspiring members states.

Croatia's state referendum commission said that with about 50 percent of the ballot calculated, about 67 percent of those who took part in the referendum answered "yes" to the question: "Do you support the membership of the Republic of Croatia in the European Union?"

About 32 percent were against, while the rest of the ballots were invalid. About 42 percent of eligible voters were estimated to have taken part in the referendum, illustrating voters' apathy toward the 27-nation bloc.

"The people are obviously tired," Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said. "It would have been better that the turnout was larger, but that's reality."

Croatia signed an EU accession treaty last year and will become its 28th member in July 2013 after all the bloc's states ratify the deal.

The Croats were deeply divided before the referendum.

Those who were for the EU say their Balkan country's troubled economy ? burdened by recession, a euro48-billion ($61-billion) foreign debt and a 17 percent unemployment rate ? will revive because of access to wider European markets and job opportunities that the membership should bring.

"It's a big moment in our history ... we are joining more successful countries in Europe," Croatia's President Ivo Josipovic said after casting his ballot. "I'm happy that Europe will become my home."

Opponents said Croatia has nothing to gain by entering the bloc, which is fighting off the bankruptcy of some of its members. They said that Croatia will only lose its sovereignty and the national identity it fought for in a war for independence from Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

"I voted against because I don't think we'll do well in the EU," said university student Matea Kolenc, 23. "I heard a lot of bad things about the EU, its economic situation and what it has to offer."

The Balkan nation started negotiating its EU entry six years ago, but since then the popularity of the bloc has faded, as Croats realize that EU membership would not automatically lead to prosperity.

Many in Croatia ? and the rest of the EU ? also wonder what is the bloc going to gain from the country that is ripe with corruption and has economic woes that are among the deepest in the Balkans.

Croatia's credit rating was last year reduced to a step above junk by ratings agency Standard & Poor's which cited its deteriorating fiscal position and external financing for its decision. If it enters the EU in 2013, Croatia won't be adopting the euro currency for several more years, and is unlikely to contribute to its further plunge.

In a sign of deep divisions in Croatia over the membership, police clashed Saturday in downtown Zagreb with a group of nationalist protesters who attempted to take down an EU flag.

Numerous anti-EU graffiti, some saying "Stop the Destruction, No to EU," appeared Sunday on the walls of voting stations in the Croatian Adriatic coast port of Split, the hotbed of nationalists. Police covered the signs with white paint.

Croatian officials, who have launched a pro-EU campaign before the referendum, warned that a "no" vote would deprive the country of the much-needed accession funds, and that even the payment of pensions for retirees and war veterans could be in jeopardy.

Croatia has received around euro150 million ($193 million) in pre-accession assistance since 2007. It is to receive another euro150 million for 2012 and euro95 million ($122 million) in 2013.

"Clearly all that funding will be stopped if the Croats say no in the referendum," Croatia's Foreign Minister Vesna Pusic said.

Croatia's pro-government media have also tried to scare Croatians by saying that if they reject the EU, they would have to return to some sort of a Balkan union with their former wartime foes, Serbia, which has been struggling to gain a candidacy status in the bloc.

The approval rating for EU membership has also dropped to 52 percent in Serbia because of Germany's conditioning for the candidacy with the de facto recognizing of the independence of its former Kosovo province which declared independence in 2008.


Eldar Emric contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2012-01-22-EU-Croatia-EU-Referendum/id-ac00150ceae043a88cb1951c26ac0e13

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Santorum edges Romney in belated Iowa GOP count (AP)

DES MOINES, Iowa ? In a surprise flip, Rick Santorum edged front-runner Mitt Romney by 34 votes in the final tally of the Iowa caucuses, Republican officials said Thursday. But no winner was declared because some votes remain uncertified two weeks after the event's closest contest ever.

The state party initially had declared Romney the victor ? by just 8 votes ? in the first voting for the Republican presidential nomination, based on the count the morning after the Jan. 3 caucuses.

Iowa Republican Chairman Matt Strawn announced the new, certified totals Thursday, but said the party would not name an official winner because the results were so close and some votes can't be counted. Results from 8 of the state's 1,774 precincts were not certified to the state party by Wednesday's 5 p.m. deadline.

Of the votes certified, however, Strawn said Santorum was the winner.

Unofficial election night results from the 8 precincts gave Santorum 81 votes and Romney 46. If those results had been certified, Santorum's lead in the final tally would have been 69 votes.

Santorum was quick to claim the Iowa victory, saying in a fundraising email that "the incredible news" makes the score for Romney and himself 1-1. Romney followed Iowa with a strong win in New Hampshire. The third contest, South Carolina's primary, is Saturday.

Romney called the Iowa results a "virtual tie." In a written statement, the former Massachusetts governor praised Santorum's "strong performance" in the state.

The certified results: Santorum with 29,839 votes and Romney at 29,805, a difference of 34. Ron Paul finished third with 26,036. Newt Gingrich finished fourth with 16,163 votes. Turnout for the caucuses was 121,503.

Strawn blamed the lack of certification on various problems, including a county chairman who went on vacation without mailing in the final documentation.

"It isn't an election that is run by state officials and that's one of the strengths of the caucus process," he said.

Four Lee County precincts are among those listed by the party as not turning in certified vote totals. Lee County GOP Chairman Don Lucas said he believes supporters of a candidate ? he's not sure which ? took the certification document to report to the candidate how they did and never brought it back.

One Franklin County precinct also was among the eight that weren't certified.

Rick Grote, a member of the Franklin County GOP central committee, was the site chair for seven precincts that met at a high school in Hampton. He said the chair for the Geneva/Reeve precinct apparently failed to send the form certifying the vote count to the state party.

But Grote said both he and his brother took pictures of the form, but were never contacted by the state party.

"I don't know why somebody didn't call me or talk to me about, `Hey, we're missing this E-form. Got any clues on what's going on?' At that point, I could have said, I took separate photos of it. My brother took separate photos of it. We could sign an affidavit saying we took pictures, these were the numbers," Grote said.

Strawn said the party had no choice but to stick by its system.

"You have to have one form that all county chairs and all precinct chairs knew well in advance that that was the record," he said. "We just can't vouch for someone saying those are the numbers absent proof of that."

Former Iowa Republican Chairman Richard Schwarm said the vote problems won't ultimately make a difference. He noted that actual delegates will be selected later in the spring as Republicans continue their convention process.

"I think people realize it's a tie," Schwarm said. "It's a straw poll that has no impact on how we pick delegates."

The Associated Press projected based on election night results that Romney would end up with 13 delegates and Santorum 12. With the release of the certified tally, the AP is withdrawing one delegate from Romney's projected total and leaving it unallocated.

"Our goal throughout the certification process was to most accurately reflect and report how Iowans voted on the evening of Jan. 3," said Strawn.

The new numbers could give a boost to Santorum and other candidates trying to undermine Romney's dominance over the field as South Carolina voters go to the polls, with the Florida primary next up.

The field narrowed further Thursday when Texas Gov. Rick Perry abandoned his presidential bid and endorsed Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House of Representatives.

Santorum, a former Pennsylvania senator, and other Republican candidates are competing to attract voters seeking a more conservative alternative to Romney.

The Des Moines Register first reported the certified caucus totals on Thursday.


Associated Press writer Ryan J. Foley in Iowa City contributed to this report.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/topstories/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120119/ap_on_el_pr/us_iowa_caucuses

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Friday, January 20, 2012

How drugs get those tongue-twisting generic names

ScienceDaily (Jan. 18, 2012) ? Oseltamivir. Esomeprazole. Trastuzumab. Where do drugs get those odd-sounding generic names? The answers are in the current issue of Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN), the weekly newsmagazine of the American Chemical Society, the world's largest scientific society, which explains the logic behind the tongue-twisters.

C&EN Associate Editor Carmen Drahl explains that until 1961 there was no standard for assigning drugs generic names, which are different from brand names like Tamiflu (oseltamivir), Nexium (esomeprazole) and Herceptin (trastuzumab). That's when three medical organizations created the U.S. Adopted Names (USAN) Council to assign simplified alternatives to the unwieldy proper names the International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry gives to molecules. For instance, under USAN's guidance, "cis-8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide" becomes "zucapsaicin." The council recommends generic names to an international agency of the World Health Organization. The tongue-twisting words the USAN Council creates are products of "stems" that describe a drug's characteristics, which Drahl likens to the Latin and Greek roots of many English words.

Drahl writes that these stems describe everything from a drugs' function to its shape. For instance, the "-prazole" ending of Nexium's generic name, esomeprazole, reveals that it is a type of antiulcer medication. Similar drugs will have the same stems in their names, allowing those familiar with the stems to crack the code. The USAN Council is careful to avoid words that are difficult to pronounce in foreign languages or that may have other meanings abroad. Sometimes, Drahl notes, a generic name will also include hints about its developer that a drug company has suggested to the council, as in carfilzomib, which recognizes molecular biologist Philip Whitcome and his wife Carla.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Chemical Society.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Carmen Drahl. Where Drug Names Come From: Behind every generic name lies a specific process. Chemical & Engineering News, 2012; 90 (3): 36-37 [link]

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/sg2HrEgK0XQ/120118112009.htm

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Jersey Governor: cut income tax brackets by 10 percent (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? All New Jersey income tax brackets should be cut 10 percent, Governor Chris Christie proposed on Tuesday, saying the state was on the comeback trail due to harsh budget measures taken last year.

The Republican governor in his annual State of the State address also said the earned income tax credit that aids the working poor should be fully restored after being cut in 2010.

Echoing other governors around the nation, Christie also recommended a series of changes in education, from stiffening requirements for teacher tenure to laying off the least effective teachers instead of the most junior ones.

(Reporting By Joan Gralla; Editing by Diane Craft)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/business/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120117/pl_nm/us_christie

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Severed hands, feet found near mystery head in Hollywood (Reuters)

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) ? Detectives investigating a decapitated human head found in the hills below the famed Hollywood sign discovered severed hands and feet they believe are from the same body on Wednesday, a Los Angeles police spokesman said.

The body parts were uncovered during search of the 4,200-acre Griffith Park, where two female hikers came across the head in a plastic bag on Tuesday, Los Angeles Police Commander Andrew Smith said.

Authorities said they were confident the head, hands and feet were all removed from the same body, but have declined to speculate as to how that was done.

The hands were found separately but in the same general area as the head, one by a cadaver dog and the other several hours later by a crime scene investigator who "thought something looked suspicious" in the brush, Smith said.

A Los Angeles County Coroner's Office investigator came across the feet, he said, which were together and in the same vicinity, a half mile below the Hollywood sign near hiking trails and not far from Griffith Observatory.

Smith said all of the body parts would be turned over to the coroner's office to determine how they were removed and if they held clues to the victim's identity.

Coroner's spokesman Ed Winter said that investigators there would try to take fingerprints from the hands to identify the man, who has been described as between the ages of 40 and 60.

Authorities who initially said that the man could be Caucasian or Armenian later said that coroner's investigators had listed the victim's ethnicity as "undetermined."

The search was suspended as darkness fell on Wednesday night but was scheduled to resume early on Thursday, when about 30 members of the current police academy class would be drafted to take part.

"We are going to be extremely thorough and methodical in our search," Smith said.

In the meantime, he said, detectives from the Los Angeles Police Department's robbery homicide division would meet to plan their investigation, hoping to gain clues if coroner's investigators can identify the victim.

"Then we can find out where they live, who their friends were," Smith said.

Authorities have said the head has not likely been at the site for a long time because there were no animal bites on it.

The iconic Hollywood sign on Mount Lee above Los Angeles originally read "Hollywoodland" and was created to promote a housing development in 1923. The last few letters deteriorated in the late 1940s and the part that remained was restored in 1978.

Griffith Park, which sits in the hills above metropolitan Los Angeles, is the largest municipal park with urban wilderness area in the United States, according to a city website.

(Additional reporting by Mary Slosson; Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Dan Burns)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/crime/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120119/us_nm/us_crime_head_hollywood

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