Monday, June 25, 2012

Reese Witherspoon Admits: I'm Very Round!

Reese Witherspoon has confirmed that she's pregnant.

Three months after a tabloid broke the exciting news, this Oscar winner was feted in Chicago on Saturday night and spoke for the first time on expecting her third child, this one with husband Jim Toth.

Reese Witherspoon Red Carpet Pose

When a reporter from The Chicago Sun-Times told Reese how beautiful she looked, the lovely actress simply replied: "Thanks, but frankly I'm feeling very round tonight."

The star was in The Windy City for “An Evening With Reese Witherspoon,” an event whose proceeds benefit the Gene Siskel Film Center of the School of the Art Institute and at which Witherspoon received the Renaissance Award.

Adding that she's due in late summer or early fall, the star also joked about her appetite when asked about Chicago's famous deep-dish pizza, saying:

"I’m always feeling like I’d like to eat everything in sight!”

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